considering there isn't a topic on it, and most of the lans are larger than 50 people, thought I'd post and see if anyone wants to have a local lan with just a few members joining in. The usual death destruction and mayhem as to be expected, of course =P.
if you have a small local lan that you host amongst friends or whatever, and think there could be the opportunity for one or two more people joining in the mayhem, feel free to make a post here.
I think the more important things to cover will be:
Province: (I sadly don't know where everywhere is, so might help to narrow it down)
City: (a must)
Date expected: ( important when not trying to organise a forum lan =P)
number of lanners: (so u don't have a 100-man pitch up at a 8-man hub)
if interest is sparked, we can do the pm thing to get exact locations.
so, anyone keen?
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