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Thread: T'was the month after Christmas....

  1. #1
    Silver Member
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    T'was the month after Christmas....

    Twas the month after Christmas,
    and all through the house,
    Nothing would fit me,
    not even a blouse.

    The cookies I'd nibbled,
    the chocolate I'd taste
    At the holiday parties
    had gone to my waist.

    When I got on the scales
    there arose such a number!
    When I walked to the store
    (less a walk than a lumber),

    I'd remember the marvellous meals I'd prepared;
    The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,
    The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese
    And the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please."

    As I dressed myself in my husband's old shirt
    And prepared once again to do battle with dirt...
    I said to myself, as I only can,
    "You can't spend a winter, disguised as a man!"

    So, away with the last of the sour cream dip.
    Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip.
    Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
    Till all the additional ounces have vanished.

    I won't have a cookie, not even a lick.
    I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick.
    I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie.
    I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.

    I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore...
    But isn't that what January is for?
    Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
    Happy New Year to all, and to all a good diet.

  2. Thanks given for this post:

    Yvonne (08-Jan-09)

  3. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    One of my "resolutions" for this year - to try to move a bit of the waist back up to the shoulders. The downside of flying a desk nowadays - not enough mandatory exercise.

  4. #3
    Email problem daveob's Avatar
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    I know the feeling Dave.

    The Crunch Punch was a Christmas time photo of myself sitting on the side of the pool - got a bit of a wake up call.

    Looking forward to all the odd jobs that I need to do around the new house.

    If you want to come help, I'll give you 30% off the cost you would have to pay at the gym.
    Watching the ships passing by.

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