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Thread: Linking the Illuminati & SARB

  1. #101
    Bronze Member msmoorad's Avatar
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    i came across this just now & i think its worth posting:

    by Henry Makow Ph.D.

    Terrorism is not terrorism when it is sponsored by the Illuminati Jewish banking cartel.

    From 1961-1990, the African National Congress waged a terrorist war against the Apartheid government of South Africa. The African National Congress is an Illuminati Jewish front. Therefore this terror was characterized as a "peoples' struggle" in the Zionist-controlled mass media.

    However, when the Palestinians employed terror against the Apartheid regime of Israel, they are "terrorists." Never mind that Israel was built on Zionist terror against the British. Terror is not terror when the Illuminati Jews or their shills use it.

    (Terrorist Mandela wins 1994 Nobel Peace Prize)

    So in South Africa during the 1960's and 70's, barely a week would go by without terrorism -- dynamite at a fuel depot, a car bomb outside Air Force headquarters in in a city center. The ANC's guerrilla force -- known simply as MK, or more formally as Umkhonto we Sizwe translated "Spear of the Nation" was founded in 1961 by Nelson Mandela and his handler, the Communist Jew Joe Slovo.

    At first, the targets were infrastructure but two decades later MK was killing civilians without compunction -- grenades would be bowled in to a hamburger joint, or trip wired limper mine planted in an arcade -- and Mandela did not object.

    "Notable among these attacks were the 8 January 1982 attack on the Koeberg nuclear power plant near Cape Town, coinciding with the 70th anniversary of the formation of the ANC, the Church Street bombing on 20 May 1983, killing 19, and the 14 June 1986 car-bombing of Magoo's Bar in Durban, in which 3 people were killed and 73 injured." (Wikipedia)

    Of course, Mandela had been in jail since 1963 when MK headquarters on a farm outside Johannesburg was raided. The ANC was funded and run by Communist Jews who in turn were shills for the Illuminati bankers. Mandela posed as a farmhand.

    The farm was purchased and run by Jewish Communist Arthur Goldreich, left.

    In 1985 when the government offered to release Mandela if he would repudiate terrorism, he refused. In 1990 he was let out anyway and vowed the MK would continue to wreak havoc. It was not necessary. Terrorism had worked.

    The government was ready to negotiate a handover of power. In 1994, Mandela and F.W. de Klerk shared a Nobel Peace Prize. How quickly a terrorist becomes a man of peace! Queen Elizabeth II in her 1996 Christmas message hailed Mandela as a great statesman. (The account of MK terror is indebted to Philip Gourevitch's review of the novel "Absolution" in The New Yorker, April 30, 2012, p.70)


    Thanks to Michael Hoffman II, we know:

    "The African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa was guided by two Communist Jews, Albie Sachs, "one of its foremost intellectuals"( London Sunday Times, August 29, 1993) and Yossel Mashel Slovo (Joe Slovo, 1926-1995).

    Slovo was born in a shtetl in Lithuania and grew up speaking Yiddish and studying the Talmud. He joined the ANC's terrorist wing, the Umkhonto we Sizwe, in 1961 and eventually became its commander. He was named Secretary General of the South African Communist Party in 1986. ("Joe Slovo," Jewish Chronicle, January 13, 1995).

    Slovo had been the "planner of many of the ANC terrorist attacks, including the 1983 car bomb that killed 19 people and injured many others... Slovo, who had traveled to the Soviet Union many times, was awarded a Soviet medal on his 60th birthday...Slovo is a dedicated Communist, a Marxist Leninist without morality of any kind, for whom only victory counts, whatever the human cost, whatever the bloodshed...Slovo disputes little of his image as 'the Communist mastermind' behind the ANC's armed struggle.

    (Albie Sachs, left)

    'Revolutionary violence has created the inspirational impact that we had intended, and it has won for the ANC its leading position,' Slovo said." ("Rebel Strategist Seeks to End Apartheid," L.A. Times, Aug. 16, 1987, p. 14). When Nelson Mandela's ANC took over South Africa, Slovo was named Minister of Housing."

    Keep reading for South African housing conditions.


    Generally speaking, Jewish social & political activism serves the Illuminati agenda. Jewish activists are dupes or opportunists. The ANC, like Communism in general, deceived the masses into overthrowing the government and installing bank tellers like Nelson Mandela.

    The plight of Blacks in South Africa is much worse under the "peoples' government." Under ANC governance the number of people living on $1 a day has doubled from two to four million. The unemployment rate doubled to 48% from 1991-2002. (It is 24% today.)

    In 2006, only 5,000 of the more than 35 million black South Africans earned more than $60,000. A quarter of the entire population lived in shacks without running water or electricity. A quarter have no access to clean water. 40% have no telephone.

    The HIV/AIDS/TB infection rate is 20%. Life expectancy dropped by 13 years. 40% of schools have no electricity.

    Where is the ANC'S concern for the people? Obviously it was a ruse that enabled the bankers to gain control over South Africa's resources. Source


    Terrorism is an instrument of the Illuminati Jewish central banking cartel based in London. Ninety five percent of the world's terror, including 9-11, can be traced to this source via the world's intelligence services, especially the CIA, Mossad and MI-6. They are funding the Taliban so Americans can waste themselves in endless war.

    i dont agree with the last sentence as theTaliban are NOT the wests blue eyed boys anymore
    since they have refused to give them permission to build the oil/natural gas pipeline from the Caspian Sea down through Afghanistan into the port in Pakistan.
    the same people when they were fighting the Soviets-ie doing the wests dirty work for them were called "freedom fighters"-now that things are not so good they are called "terrorists" etc
    Last edited by Dave A; 05-May-12 at 09:39 AM. Reason: format cleanup
    A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps.

  2. #102
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    My question is always why? Motive is key to anything and I feel that the profit of war is a bit dodgy after all the risks involved are really high. I am not saying wars are not profitable, I am saying that human suffering is not the justifiable.

    What I hate about most conspiracies it always boils down to the unknown. I am sorry but any transaction can be known and is only a matter of investigation. I don’t think people believe in the Illuminati anymore.

    Considering that weapons can mop a continent clean with a single strike with the most expensive weapons known to humanity. And yet most of the wars that we saw on TV are still made by very primitive weapons.

    Basically as a warmonger the Illuminati failed.

    They sell a hell of a lot of old crap but the really expensive new weapons never get used? And yet these new supper weapons have a devastating effect and will allow for future contracts for the next 200 years.

    I am sorry but it just doesn’t gel…
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  3. #103
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    @msmoorad The problem with conspiracy theories is that it distorts the truth just enough to make it almost plausible. It appears as if your hatred for Jews may be clouding your judgement.
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  4. #104
    Email problem vieome's Avatar
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    One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter

  5. #105
    Silver Member Frankincense's Avatar
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    Last edited by Dave A; 21-May-12 at 08:00 PM.

  6. #106
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Two allegations I'd love to hear the proof of, and which Michael Tellinger rather unsubtlely deflected away from:

    When you get a loan from a bank, they just punch the numbers into a computer and money appears out of thin air.

    The banks are breaking over 30 laws every day. Name one of them.

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  8. #107
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    What Tillinger is saying, is that banks will bundle a number of bonds or credit agreements and sell it on to another bank to create the funds required for the next loan transaction. This is similar to how the sub-prime lending worked that caught out the American and European banks.

    Loans and credit agreements are noted as assets on a banks balance sheet. Deposits and investments are noted as liabilities, because that money has to be paid back to the depositor. Bonds and credit agreements (MBS's - Mortgage Backed Securities) are bundled together to create an SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) which are sold to large investment banks. The SPV creates funding for the bank to lend on the next transaction(s) and the process repeats itself.

    The argument is that money is created "out of thin air" and that it is not backed by depositor funds or the bank's money. Well, if you look at any bank's balance sheet and you calculate the numbers, you will realize that their gearing is extremely high. Their required liquidity ratios are only 12%. The SA Reserve Bank has now introduced a scheme whereby South African Banks will have access to a mutual fund to prevent them from going under in a worst case scenario such as is now happening in Greece.

    The legal basis for the case is that one must possess that which one loans. Supposedly the banks are not meeting the fundamental criteria for a valid borrower/lender contract. By selling their contracts, the banks no longer own your mortgage bond and should not be allowed to take action or repossess your home.

    They reason that it is by definition counterfeiting and that an ordinary citizen would be arrested if found guilty of doing the same. Issuing money without the backing of real goods or services of equivalent value is fraudulent. The Banks Act prohibits banks from securitisation. All this allegedly affects our currency and is the root cause of inflation.

    11 Constitutional Court judges, 8 clerks, 4 joined advocates and 4 researchers are weighing the evidence in preparation for a Constitutional Court case involving Standard Bank, the Reserve Bank and the Minister of Finance. You can follow it on
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  10. #108
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    So if banks must use their own money to extend loans, what do you propose they should do with depositors' savings then?

    Or is it OK to use savings funds placed directly in their care, but not use savings funds via another bank or investment vehicle?

  11. #109
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Discrediting banks help the criminals to find money under people’s beds. Part of the reason and this seems to be overlooked is the fact that banks keep your money safe. Unless if you are banking with ABSA and they deny you the right to a “Smart Card” and give you an easy to clone crappy card. And they do as this IS my experience with them. DARN THOSE ILLUMINATI BRATS!

    That said banks cannot give you interest without lending money. That is the name of the game. Now I dislike the fact that a millionaire can make a loan and my money gets used but I can’t get a loan regardless of the fact just stated.

    Reality is banks are our friends “if managed correctly” if not you get what you get poverty no security no long term growth. It is just how it is...
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  12. #110
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    On the one hand we complain that banks are not lending, on the other hand we complain that they are not using their own money to lend.
    If banks had to lend only their own money, the world wide recession would be much worse than it is...

    I am not so sure that the Tillinger case has legal justification. I can sell my debt to a 3rd party, but still retain the right to collect the debt, as long as I meet my obligations to the lender. Credit cards, factoring, forfaiting and a number of financial instruments operate on this basis or principle. The seller may act as an agent to collect the debt on behalf of the creditor.

    It appears as someone has a bone to chew, as they are collecting names and support of people who had lost properties or assets through repossessions. The principle in my view is still, pay to Caesar what is due to Caesar. If you have a bond or HP, you are bound by the contract. Do not try to look for loopholes only when you can not meet your commitments. That should have been sorted out at the time when the agreement was entered into.
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