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Thread: Newsletter content

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Newsletter content

    I think I've got on top of the problems that had me wanting to drop emailing the newsletter. What would be useful now is some ideas as to what should go into the newsletter.

    I see two categories of reader, the regular member who is pretty up-to-date with what is happening on the forum, and then the member who visits less than regularly.

    Some ideas on content make-up that would be good for both categories would be gratefully received.

  2. #2
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    Could I frame this question differently? Who is the newsletter aimed at, the regular reader, or the not-so-regular reader?
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  3. #3
    Silver Member Vincent's Avatar
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    Instead of writing long newsletters why don't you write "teasers" with links to the topic. For example you could have the 5 most read, 5 most informative, 5 most controversial, or read "Duncan's" post on....

    The 'teasers' should be no longer than 3-6 line, something like a news headline and sub-headline. If it interest me, I will click on the link and read further, if not I move on.

    This is a newsletter format that I receive from Tectonic, which I enjoy - read only what what grabs my attention.
    Vincent Marino
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  4. Thanks given for this post:

    Dave A (22-Oct-08)

  5. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by duncan drennan View Post
    Who is the newsletter aimed at, the regular reader, or the not-so-regular reader?
    The main content objective would be to entice the not-so-regular reader to visit, but I'd also like to have something in there of interest for regulars. The third hope is every now and then it is also viral and gets forwarded, attracting new members.

    There is an underlying driver, though. Every now and then something comes up that really deserves a full mail list send. A newsflash of sorts for stuff that affects lots of businesses but isn't necessarily going to make news headlines in mainstream media. A possible example would be the CC renewal change.

    Now I was happy that we'd got to a size and reputation where doing a blog covering recognition of special threads, articles, member contributions and technical updates would have been enough to maintain growth. But the kicker is it seems part of making sure bulk emails get through is you need to do them regularly to clean out problem email addresses on a regular basis - and that needs some sort of a regular mail shot program.

    So if that's what it takes, I'd like to make sure those emails aren't junk.

  6. #5
    Silver Member Vincent's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Instead of starting a new thread regarding the new look newsletter, I would like to take a moment and thank TFSA for their new format. I personally like the layout. Not over done.
    Thanks guys, it also keeps me up to date when I haven't been on the site for sometime.
    Vincent Marino
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  7. Thank given for this post:

    Dave A (18-Nov-08), duncan drennan (18-Nov-08), Morticia (18-Nov-08)

  8. #6
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Thanks Vincent. It's great to hear it's on the right track.

    The changes are also more than skin deep. Distribution used to be managed out of a seperate system and db - now it's integrated into the main db allowing for inclusion of individual data that didn't make the jump in the old system.

    In fact, technical stuff chewed up most of the time spent on developing this issue. But now that the technical stuff seems to be nailed, I'll be able to really focus on content quality for the next issue. For example, this time I pretty much grabbed threads as I was determined to get the send going yesterday evening. I'll be paying more attention to that next time.

    BTW - I'm sure you've got a distributable off-forum article for inclusion in the next issue (hint).

  9. #7
    Silver Member Vincent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    BTW - I'm sure you've got a distributable off-forum article for inclusion in the next issue (hint).
    Hi Dave, don't think that should be a problem. I'll send you something in the first week of December.
    Vincent Marino
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  10. Thanks given for this post:

    Dave A (20-Nov-08)

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