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Thread: Telkom con

  1. #1
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Telkom con

    Yesterday my internet speed goes downhill and I struggled the whole day to do anything.

    This morning - no different, so have just phoned the Telkom Business line and I asked what is going on.

    Nothing wrong on our side says the operator.."have you done a speed test"? she says...."che"? says I.

    "Yes just go to telkom/adsl... and push the 'speed test' button". So I do this and inform her that their site says content unavailable - not dropping a beat she says,

    "ok go here". So I go there and it says my speed is 39kbps - "Ah"!! she says, "nothing wrong on our side - if it was below 32kbps - it would be a line problem - check your system out".

    "What?" says I - You should be delivering at 384kbps minimum. "Eish - NO you have it wrong", she says - "its 384 bits p/s". "oh!!!" says I confused. "Yes - you have your bits and bytes wrong". "mmmm....Ok", says I stupidly, and put the phone down.

    Straight away I notice that my system is back to its normal speed. At the same time I get my notification that only have 400 megs left and need to add a few gigs to the pile before that runs dry. "Strange", I thinks, "I only filled up the other day and thats gone fast". On checking - yesterday in superslow mode while doing very little work - 1 gig was used.

    So I thinks to myself......."myself - you have been conned by telkom employees - they were sucking your line dry and your speed, and only fixed it because I phoned to ask what was going on". "They gave you BS about the speed because they thought you were a mampara". And this time round I must admit ...they may be right....I was caught off guard, not thinking that I would be sucked in here.

    And I went back to do the 'speed button' test.....and hey presto - my speed is now 160kbps.......not the greatest in the world but after yesterday its like a dog after a piece of boerewors in a tight enclosure, when you have been making 10 cups of coffee in-between screen changes.

    Denial BS and fix it quickly without letting them know whats really going on - this is not the first time I have had this thought when it comes to technical goodies in my life.

    Am I paranoid or do you think I should join the David Icke gang?

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The low speed and high pillage is an interesting combination.

    Have you got an open Wifi point?

  3. #3
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    No - hunted high and low for leakage. All seems secure here.
    Problem went away the minute I phoned in and asked them the question.
    A local wifi leak would not have known that.

  4. #4
    Email problem daveob's Avatar
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    Is it possible that an automated Windows system update have been downloading XP sp3 or a big Office update, or similar, at the time ? ( in the background so you wouldn't have been aware of it ).
    Watching the ships passing by.

  5. #5
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    I think someone was hooked in at the exchange or wires have been crossed and that was slowing me down. The operator asked the question or did a ping down the line or whatever they do. The guys down at the exchange have a physical look and and either sort it or someone thought - time to move on?

    Twice this year, I have been disconnected. Technician comes out hooks up kit says its all right here and goes down to the exchange to check there. Both times phoned me 5 minutes later and said problem fixed - loose wires at the exchange because they are always fiddling in there.

    The interesting part was the BS on the line speed and the instant denial from the call centre operator.

  6. #6
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Automated Windows system update have been downloading
    Ah Dave - excellent point - this was the case earlier this year. Found that problem and nipped it in the bud fast after an update created more problems. After I stopped the MS stuff downloading I found my Macromedia, dreamweaver, flash and company doing the same trick with a quick 450meg update.

    I switched my machine and network off to the outside world completely after that.

  7. #7
    Silver Member Loman's Avatar
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    I'm currently using the huawei edge modem from MTM and the MTM f@stlink software that comes with it checked for a update every two seconds.

    After i disabled it i saved a lot of $$$.
    The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on. - Robert Bloch

  8. #8
    Email problem Superscenic's Avatar
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    Who needs Telkom? Can't your Service provider take over the account?

    I just neglected to pay my bill for over a month and they cut me off. Nothing unusual there.

    Now comes the really cool part: My service provider took over my adsl line from telkom a while ago so that I now pay cybersmart directly. I NEVER have issues with my internet anymore. Just ask your SP if they can do the same.

    Now I realised that my adsl is still running despite telkom "cutting me off" I still receive calls on my landline so I don't care. I make calls from my cell anyway.

    I officially don't need Telkom. They can s*ck my milk chocolate salty Balls

  9. #9
    Email problem Superscenic's Avatar
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    Ok I'm officially a retard.

    So I am not free from Telkom Monopoly after all. And I managed to embarrass myself on this forum.

  10. #10
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superscenic View Post
    So I am not free from Telkom Monopoly after all.
    Afraid so, but I didn't want to be the one to tell you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Superscenic View Post
    And I managed to embarrass myself on this forum.
    Not at all. The thought of Telkom licking salty balls of any type probably has fairly wide appeal

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