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Thread: What are the practical and applicable concepts of quantum physics?

  1. #1
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    What are the practical and applicable concepts of quantum physics?

    Hello everybody, I have been reading a bit about “applied” quantum theory and have come across lines that state that it is a unique way of controlling ones thoughts and bringing a powerful, quick and “wholesale” change in and around us. I would like you all to express your views on this and if you have something interesting to add, please do share!!!

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Applied quantum theory the South African way

  3. #3
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    Re:What are the practical and applicable concepts of quantum physics?

    Actually, as you state it, “applied” quantum theory physics is first the realization that our thoughts affect the world around us, everytime, all the time. It is an effective way to have (or more specifically, take back) control of your mind and utilize it in the most potential way. Thought is the essence of your personal power, and focused thought is laser-focused power. Quantum physics has been spectacularly successful (for westerners) in showing and verifying what eastern mystics have known for 2500 years. It is not our brain that gives rise to our consciousness; instead it is our consciousness, or mind, that creates everything – our “reality”.
    Last edited by Dave A; 22-Sep-08 at 07:11 AM.

  4. #4
    Full Member derrickm's Avatar
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    I find it interesting how people in the new-age business try to use science to explain their pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo.

    "Quantum mechanics, the centerpiece of modern physics, is misinterpreted as implying that the human mind controls reality and that the universe is one connected whole that cannot be understood by the usual reduction to parts.

    However, no compelling argument or evidence requires that quantum mechanics plays a central role in human consciousness or provides instantaneous, holistic connections across the universe. Modern physics, including quantum mechanics, remains completely materialistic and reductionistic while being consistent with all scientific observations. "
    -Victor J. Stenger

    Derrick Markotter

  5. #5
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    The concepts of quantum physics applied to thread starters on forums.

    At first they are there - then they are not
    They could be or they may be a blot
    A business wave or a particle clot
    Now we see them then they are a spot
    They could be serious but I think not.

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