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Thread: No charity for Durban motorists

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    No charity for Durban motorists

    This looks like a most unusual bid to stop begging at intersections - fine the motorist for being charitable.
    Durban motorists who give money to beggars at intersections and traffic lights face being prosecuted, the Daily News reported on Thursday afternoon.

    According to the report, the city's municipal manager Mike Sutcliffe said: "It certainly takes two to tango. Providing support to illegal street vending and beggars is a violation of the Road Traffic Act as well as traffic bylaws."

    He said the city had tried taking many of the women, who were using their children to beg at intersections, to register for grants. However, within days they were back at the same intersection pushing their children to beg from passing motorists.

    "We now want to take action against motorists. We have tried targeting one out of the two groups in the past and that has not worked," Sutcliffe was quoted as saying.
    full story from IOL here
    Talk about tough love!

  2. #2
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Durbans Politburo grinds another by-law into practice

    I think that tough love was the last thing on Supreme Commander of Towns Clerks - Comrade Mikhail's KGB agenda. That's of course Durban's Kak Governing Brigade, the local Politburo that runs roughshod over its citizens on just about every element that they come across.

    On the other hand comrades, I do agree with the concept here. If we do not contribute to the beggars and car guards they will go away and so will the crime levels. We complain about the crime but then fuel it as a result of our guilt feelings created through society paranoia.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Marq, I think you'll enjoy this story.
    The pranksters who last week renamed Durban's Kinnord Place after eThekwini municipal manager Mike Sutcliffe obviously had more than one message in mind.

    The renamed Mike Sutcliffe Boulevard is a dead end.

    And it is so tiny that considering it a boulevard immediately reminds one of the delusions of grandeur of which the municipal manager is so often accused. If Kinnord Place is a boulevard, then Sutcliffe might just be creator of the universe.

    The prank is merely one of several dissident acts by Durban residents since new street signs started appearing at the beginning of July.
    full story from M&G here

  4. #4
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    LOL - We need more people with a great sense of humour....must find these guys and make sure they register on this forum so we can get more laughs going.

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