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Thread: Home Affairs on signing of agreement with labour unions

  1. #1
    Administrator I Robot's Avatar
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    Home Affairs on signing of agreement with labour unions

    Home Affairs and labour unions sign a historic turnaround agreement

    4 September 2008

    Pretoria: The Department of Home Affairs and two majority labour unions, National Education and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) and Public Servants Association (PSA) today signed a historic agreement committing both parties to effective delivery of public services.

    Among others, the purpose of the agreement is to:

    * Achieve a process of migration of staff employed at levels 12 and below from posts in the older organisational structure to positions in the new structure so as to meet the objectives of the Turnaround Process as contained in the agreement.
    * Define mechanisms, processes and procedures that manage the effects of the Turnaround process on employees, including training and development programmes, employment security and income protection guarantees.
    * Ensure that no person employed by the Department of Home Affairs will be retrenched as a result of the turnaround process.

    The turnaround process was started last year with the intention of transforming the Department of Home Affairs into a new Home Affairs that delivers public-friendly, corruption-free and efficient services to all its users in line with the basic values and principles as set out in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

    Last edited by Dave A; 11-Sep-08 at 01:22 PM. Reason: there is more, but this is enough fun already

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    There is more, but the rest is just bureaucratic waffle really. How's that last paragraph? I swear, this is from the official news release.

  3. #3
    Bronze Member Alan's Avatar
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    Pretoria: The Department of Home Affairs and two majority labour unions, National Education and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) and Public Servants Association (PSA) today signed a historic agreement committing both parties to effective delivery of public services.

    Define mechanisms, processes and procedures that manage the effects of the Turnaround process on employees, including training and development programmes, employment security and income protection guarantees.
    * Ensure that no person employed by the Department of Home Affairs will be retrenched as a result of the turnaround process.

    started last year with the intention of transforming the Department of Home Affairs into a new Home Affairs that delivers public-friendly, corruption-free and efficient services to all its users
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  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Or how about this one:
    Define mechanisms, processes and procedures that manage the effects of the Turnaround process on employees
    Does this include a loss-of-bribe-income compensation plan?

  5. #5
    Silver Member Graeme's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Graeme, can you imagine the stink if a civil service unit issued such an "admission of incompetence and corruption" in your time? If they ever had to, it would have been accompanied with a platter of heads minus retirement benefits...

    It must be wonderful collecting a fat paycheck without any prospect of ever being held accountable.
    Last edited by Dave A; 11-Sep-08 at 09:48 PM.

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