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Thread: On government support programs for small business.

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    On government support programs for small business.

    A really good article here on M&G that really highlights the role small business can play in reducing unemployment and enhancing the economy generally.

    Yes. I know it's based on a DA media briefing, but in reading it, I can't help think this has been said over and over by government too. And we've got all these small business support systems that don't seem to be that effective.

    Perhaps this sums up the problem:
    "The problem with the government's response is not the range of services that it has sought to provide, but its lack of success in implementing them properly," he said.

    The current multitude of small-business development agencies had limited geographical coverage and mandates that only served to complicate small-business development, rather than promote it.
    Small business really needs SIMPLE, especially in the formative stages. And government really seems to have a knack of complicating things.

    I think the day government manages to simply get down to the core tasks of implementation without all the complicating frills, bells and whistles, is the day they stand any chance of meaningfully impacting development of the small business sector.

    But they're trying to make instant entrepreneurial millionaires of a few rather than seeding entrepreneurship and allowing the capable to move on to greater things under their own steam. I think a simpler strategy would not only produce bigger, more widespread results, but also stronger entrepreneurs capable of standing on their own feet without privileged treatment crutches.

    Anyone else got any ideas why gov is failing to be really effective in this area?
    Better still - anyone with ideas as to how gov could jack up their act?

    Maybe you've tried to access these programs. Tell us how it went. What was right? What, if anything, went wrong?
    Last edited by Dave A; 29-Sep-06 at 09:43 AM.

  2. #2
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    Anyone else got any ideas why gov is failing to be really effective in this area?
    Better still - anyone with ideas as to how gov could jack up their act?
    I pretty much agree - implementation is the issue (and it takes time! so stop jumping positions the whole time!)

    How about approaching a suitably minded government representative (preferrably ANC) to frequent this forum? Not sure how to go about that
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