I now realise why I generally do not start new threads.
I never know which section to classify these subjects into.
Take the attached as an example - my favourite subject 'economists'. This should be a serious subject, could be state of the country stuff or possibly business philosophies and that sort of thing, perhaps even a warning beware of economists type subject thread. There could even be an 'I told you so' section.
So after great consideration and a whole minute thought on this problem, I figured that they should just be relegated to the Jokes section. Oh now I have denigrated the Bar Rail section with this decision and thought pattern.........
Anyway - this is from the May issue of the Rand Exposé – the Fundamental Truth
I had a good chuckle anyway.....and have given up taking anything about or by economists seriously which is why this post is here under the bar rail section.For FAR too long now, the South African public – and yes! – you and the investing and business world – have been fed up with the biggest lot of mumbo jumbo from hamstrung economists and out-of-touch “financial experts” regarding the South African economy and the inherent value of the Rand.
These are the very same persons that painted a rosy picture week after week of an economy that was rollicking along, with a future as bright as a thousand candles (before or after Eskom).
And now, SUDDENLY, the Rand’s sudden and unexpected fall catches them totally by surprise, forcing a change of
tune and a looking for all sorts of excuses as to why this has happened, and perhaps why it shouldn’t have.
Now, this might have been all right, because the beauty of being an economist is that your job is always secure, no
matter how much gobbledygook you speak and write.
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