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Thread: Electrician's stories

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    Electrician's stories

    Hi , Everyone.

    Who said electricians doesn't have the best job in the world ? I
    started this post , so that we can discuss clients , payment ,
    shit that happens , prices , where to buy ect. Things that we
    as electricians find wierd , or funny.

    I'll start with something that happened to me a few days ago.

    I was called out for a BPT intercom system that doesn't work
    anymore. This was somewhere near Melrose Arch.

    I arrived there , and found the friendliest women on the planet.
    All willing to show me where the handsets are mounted . where
    the power supply and transformer is ect.

    While I was in the roof , changing the transformer , a naked
    girl walked pass my Appy , smiling , and greeting politely.

    I only later realised that I was working at a very upper class
    bordello. ( excuse my spelling , - Im Afrikaans )

    Later on I saw a girl with just a towel wraped around her waist ,
    holding the biggest glass of red wine Iv'e ever seen .

    Needles to say , I thought about exchanging my service for
    theirs ... but it was end of month and I needed the money to
    pay my bond .... lol

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Pity I'm not a sparky

  3. #3
    Email problem
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    Dave ,

    This kind of thing is once in a blue moon. I can recall 1 other time , about 8 years ago , when I was till an apprentice. We worked at a country spa / beauty salon.

    I walked around the boulding , with my toolbox , and opened a little pedestrian gate that leads into the backyard , and I walked straight into the outdoor tanning facility they had there. I saw a lot more than I should have.

    My boss got into a little trouble , but he laughed later , and told me that he only wished it was him and not me.

  4. #4
    Email problem
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    While we're on this theme ....

    My dad was also an electrician. He used to tell me about women that phoned , saying he should come out , because there's some kind of
    electrical problem. He told me that one women opened the door , naked. Another was in a robe , and droped the robe once he was in the house.

    He had a few stories like this , but he was the faithfull kind.

    Out of fear that this kind of thing woul'd happen again , he never knocked
    on a door again , without his Zulu apprentice at his side.

  5. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I've heard those stories - never happened to me though. Maybe it's the wedding ring.

    I spent about 18 years as a woodborer inspector in the main and had my fair share of experiences. I remember inspecting one building with 4 escourt agencies in central Durban once. But being the morning, "business" was quiet. The biggest problem was getting enough light going to see what I was looking for - woodborer flight holes are kinda small

    I had one where I got there at about 2.00 pm once. The owner jokingly asked if I could spray the girls for bugs whilst I was about it (people get the wrong idea about what a woodborer inspector actually is). I said that would be extra - and all the girls responded in a chorus "No way! We charge the extras."

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