Hi , Everyone.
Who said electricians doesn't have the best job in the world ? I
started this post , so that we can discuss clients , payment ,
shit that happens , prices , where to buy ect. Things that we
as electricians find wierd , or funny.
I'll start with something that happened to me a few days ago.
I was called out for a BPT intercom system that doesn't work
anymore. This was somewhere near Melrose Arch.
I arrived there , and found the friendliest women on the planet.
All willing to show me where the handsets are mounted . where
the power supply and transformer is ect.
While I was in the roof , changing the transformer , a naked
girl walked pass my Appy , smiling , and greeting politely.
I only later realised that I was working at a very upper class
bordello. ( excuse my spelling , - Im Afrikaans )
Later on I saw a girl with just a towel wraped around her waist ,
holding the biggest glass of red wine Iv'e ever seen .
Needles to say , I thought about exchanging my service for
theirs ... but it was end of month and I needed the money to
pay my bond .... lol
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