Originally Posted by
Alta Murray
Tread softly on me toes SoftDux, yeah, after reading what you had to say, I do sound old school & the Internet and Software do go together like a horse and carriage, dont they. But I still feel strongly that I do represent other old schoolers out there, and might i just remind you I was the one standing in line at the Post Office way past the advent of Internet Payments and had a lot of company might i add. Also they were pensioners......
Encryption is done, that poses no problem, even taken care of the fact that you can not install one demo on two PC's as that is a loop-hole in some cases.
The major problem I have with free trails is that one can gain a bad rep rather quickly if you have end-users that are not on par. Particularly when it gets to the analytical and diagnostics system -- that has me worried. I get a visual of Audi giving away demo cars to people who can't drive and earning a bad rep! Or am I overly cautious?
Do you think I can bridge said scenario with perhaps just an input screen where you enter data and then let the Failure Prediction Model spew forth a result?
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