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Thread: Southern African political stability and economics

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    Southern African political stability and economics

    Hi All

    An issue that I am interested in debating here is the issue around political stability in our region and Zimbabwe. This thread is not about Zimbabwe though.

    When (?) the nonesense in Zim is sorted out it will be the first time that there is a semblance of political stability in post independant Africa, once again this is not a comment on colonisation. In 1980 we were involved in the border war with Angola and there was also a civil war going on in Mozambique. Then going into the 90's we sorted out our nonesense and soon after that we had Moz and Angola sorting out their disagreements.
    That is why I am saying that there will be some form of political stability in the Southern Region of Africa once Zim is sorted.
    With countries like Angola that has resources, labour and also oil that has been untapped due to the civil wars and also Mozambique on the other side that also has untapped resources and also labour availability can we not realistically expect some major international investement in the our region???

    Consider for a momement that companies listed in London and that has big concerns in Zim doubled their share prices within two to three days of the parlementary results being announced???
    Talks of rescue packages to Zim that amounts to billions US $ that is waiting in the wings will surely have a large impact.
    Further more it is some of the last areas in the world where "brand new" economies can be built, maybe that is why China is so interested, due to the resources and the potential consumers?!?!?!

    I am not just positive anymore I am on the brink of being excited, can you imagine the opportunities that will present for a entrepeneur that has his or her head up!??!!?

    Do I make sense or is this just alot of nonsensical coincedences that is thrown togehter ???

    Looking forward to some debate on this!!!


  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I've noticed two things on the ground that certainly are very positive:
    • An increased interest in Mozambique amongst local entrepreneurs, and
    • An increased interest in Southern Africa by European companies.

    There is little doubt that the potential of Africa remains largely unrealised. And I feel the most important limiting factor has been the social culture conditions of the region. Whilst opportunities abound, it has been on a very predjudiced playing field.

    Despite the obvious potential though, I'm not sure we're out of the woods just yet. Just how strongly have the roots of democracy and respect for the rights of others taken hold?

  3. #3
    Email problem Alta Murray's Avatar
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    Oh, dear you two, you have stumbled on one of my pet subjects and I really have to work now! Anyhow, yes, I am just as excited and everyone is givin me the evil eye.

    China remains America's worst nightmare, so I do expect an 'appearance' from the Americans too.

    Add to that the fact that the world is faced with food shortages due to bio-oil dev. and look no further than the highly fertile Africa.

    But yes, the culture is not a Western one, but I was a member of Ubuntu school of philosophy(?) spelling again? and we do share common elements and can learn from each other, so that remains an option, if only we can realise that it is not a question of prejudice, but rather a question of respect!!!

    Add to that the fact that America is faced with a 'pre-recession' convulsion, just check out what happened in the past when they were faced with econimical pressure.

    If Zim settles down, I think we are in for the ride of our lives guys! So do get ready.

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