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Thread: 10 reasons why GM won't feed the world

  1. #1
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    10 reasons why GM won't feed the world

    I found this article on why genetically modified crops won't feed the world quite fascinating. I don't know too much about GM, but have read about the effect of GM on lab animals. What I found most interesting is that crop yields are typically lower with GM foods vs conventional methods. Also the cost is higher, which is bankrupting some farmers.

    2. Costing the Earth

    GM crops are costing farmers and governments more money than they are making. In a 2003 report by the Soil Association the cost to the US economy of GM crops was estimated at around $12 billion since 1999, on account of inflated farm subsidies, loss of export orders and various seed recalls. A study in Iowa found that GM soyabeans required all the same costs as conventional farming but, because they produced lower yields, the farmers ended up making no profit at all. In India, an independent study found that BT cotton crops were costing farmers 10 per cent more than non-BT variants and bringing in 40 per cent lower profits. Between 2001 and 2005, more than 32,000 Indian farmers committed suicide, most as a result of mounting debts caused by inadequate crops.
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  2. #2
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    This will more than likely be one of the most horrendous legacies of capitalism.

    It reminds me of the story of the little fisherman sitting on the banks of the river angling for his daily meal. His kids running around bare foot, laughing and squealing. His daily successes are soon noted when a traveller in a suit and smooth talk comes along and has the fisherman convert his daily catch into an empire which has him working 24/7, not seeing his kids or the birth of his grand children.

    The fisherman eventually retires as a really wealthy man and immediately returns to sitting on the river bank enjoying the few angling days left for him. His grand children playing around him etc etc.


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  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Just a quick thought -

    If you step back and look at the big picture, I'm concerned about where our spend is going in dealing with mankind's growing demands on this planet and particularly the issue of food security.

    A cynical part of me says that a food product with the side effect of increased sterility amongst its consumers might not be such a bad thing.

  4. #4
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    I hear you Dave! The scary part to me is twofold: the effect of the GM foods on our bodies eg. sterility, excessive female hormones in boys and vice versa even more so the effect of these GM foods on the emotions such as aggression. These lead to all kinds of social challenges.


    The fact that the little farmer has been bought out, his life and those of his family jeopardised because of corporate greed. We have destroyed generations of farmers and their knowledge by introducing GM seeds, fodder etc etc and pushing this all through the machine that is life today. NOW many years later SOME people are sitting up and saying HELL SORRY WE GOT IT WRONG. Some others are still plugging away at the big machine. All in the name of money.

    I do not for one moment believe that every decision maker out there was coldly calculating their own gains whilst intentionally destroying others and THAT is scary. I think we have made many of these mistakes purely due to insufficient knowledge and foresight and emphasis on the incorrect values. So what are we doing RIGHT NOW, this instance, in GOOD FAITH, that is equally detrimental to us, others, the planet?


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