here the deal i drive from pinetown all the way to prospecton only because one of my regular customers asked me to help this company "blue water boating"...i get there trace the problem to the meter room and advise the customer that there is nothing i can do because it is on durban metro side...i contact the faults department for them and report the i walk through the factory and notice the electrical wiring is in a really bad state...i dont know how insurance companies cover premises like this for fire...but anyway i leave and go to my next customer...that night i get back to the office and send blue water boating an invoice for R100 to cover for petrol and fax it...a couple weeks later i notice the invoice is still not paid so i contact the owner and his wife asnwers the call...i query about the outstanding amount...heres the joke she want to know why my invoice is so expensive...tells me i was only on site for 10 minutes...and they are refusing to pay.
my normal call out rate is R500 plus R3.50 per km so a call out plus travelling would work out to R710.00...i still cant understand what is expensive about R100...what i have heard is this companies workmanship is as bad as the electrical installation...just hope you dont end up with a boat from this company other wise you in for a long haul trying to get it fixed.
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