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Thread: Mannatech opening in South Africa Soon

  1. #11
    New Member Mandrake's Avatar
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    To answer your question:

    You have slightly misunderstood the system. You are correct up to the first R12 000, but when someone in your team recruits 6 all stars for R4300 then you won't get another R12 000, but rather will recieve your second R7 500, and the person who recruits the 6 will recieve the R12 000.

    Yes, you also recieve commission on the products.

    If you want to find out more details on the mannatech compensation plan and to understand the fundamentals of the business then please visit

    Please be patient with the page it takes a while to load.

    If you have further questions then let us know.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mandrake View Post

    To answer your question:

    You have slightly misunderstood the system. You are correct up to the first R12 000, but when someone in your team recruits 6 all stars for R4300 then you won't get another R12 000, but rather will recieve your second R7 500, and the person who recruits the 6 will recieve the R12 000.

    Yes, you also recieve commission on the products.

    Hi Mandrake,
    I do understand the system. If you read my mail I did state the matching PB of 7500. So a total of R19 500 gets paid out with a return of only R 25 800 into the business fromt he 6 new R 4300 sign ups. Thats 75% of the income from sign ups going to bonuses?
    This is where I thinkt he explanation gets lost. I read through most of the info from the site. To be honest, it has so many different payments levels and methods and criteria for bonuses. It appears like you could easily miss out? Maybe I am just functioning slow this friday afternoon. It looks like you have taken simple multi level and attempted to over complicate so it gets so confusing that no one really knows what they got involved in?

    My main question is still unanswered. Products cost next to nothing and sold at major premiums to fund these bonuses? Or the business will not sustain itself?
    I just get concerned when you start getting such high bonuses purely on recruiting people. Before products have truly even moved through your network?

    Please inform me if I am missing the simplicity of this process.
    Or did I miss one of the criteria in order to recieve the bonuses? One of the fine print things?

  3. #13
    New Member Mandrake's Avatar
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    I will be honest with you, I have read the compensation plan a few times and I also don't fully understand it. Yes it is possible to miss out if you don't fully understand it. You are right 75% does go to product bonuses but that is only on the initial sign up of all stars. Not everyone signs up as an all star unfortunately. So this circumstance doesn't always happen and the PB is only paid out once. Not all your associates that you sign up will be able to sign up all stars as well.

    I am signed up as an all star and have been doing the business with Mannatech for about three years. I have only managed to sign up 2 all stars in that time as most people don't have this money available to sign up at this level. So the PB is a rare occurance.

    To answer your question most MLM companies do end up inflating there prices to be able to pay the associates, this is the nature of MLM unfortunately. It happens in herbalife, amway, etc. So I would agree with you that the products probably don't cost much to manufacture, and a large amount of the profit is there to pay for these bonuses.

    You do make other bonuses for the recruitment of people as well, even by signing up preferred customers, and master associates. There is also the commission that comes from the use of the products by members in your downline. There is good money to be made from this business, just by introducing people to these wonderful products.

    If Mannatech was not able to sustain this business model they would have gone out of business years ago, yet they haven't, and they continue to get stronger as time goes on.

    I think where most Mannatech Associates go wrong is in marketing the business opportunity. It is a complicated system, and people will fail if they try to market this system.

    Mannatech is not about the business opportunity, it is about the products and the benefits they have for health. There are no products like glyconutrients, that does for the body what these supplements do.

    All I know is that I market the products to people who are looking for the product, using internet automation and Search engine optimisation to target these people. With this technique I find people in all the ten countries who are looking for our products who join the company to get the products. I get regular sign ups and I make my monthly commissions without truely understanding the compensation plan. But I don't really do it for the money but rather to get people onto the products and to get them to recieve the benefits of the supplements.

    Let me ask you this, are you looking to get involved in the business just for the money, or do you want to market a product that truely has wonderful health benefits? If you in it purely for the money then this isn't the business for you, then you should rather look at one of the many other internet income generation programs that are available. However if you want to market a product that can truely have health benefits for people, and make some money on the side, then this is the business for you.

    What do you want to get out of the business?

  4. #14
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    I heard that Ambrotose is good for dogs health as well?

    Is this true, and it what way will it help?

    Thank you

  5. #15
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    I heard that Ambrotose is good for dogs as well.

    Please could you let me know if this is true, and in what way is it good for their health?

    Thank you!

  6. #16
    New Member Mandrake's Avatar
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    Well Celia, Ambrotose would be good for dogs in much the same way as humans, by stimulating cellular communication and stimulating correct cell repair and regeneration.

    However I am not a vet so I can't give you an answer based on veterinary experience.

    I hope this answers your question.
    Last edited by Mandrake; 16-Sep-10 at 07:17 PM.

  7. #17
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    Celia Venter-Ambrotose

    Hello Celia.

    Sorry for the late reply.

    I have just got back from Mauritius.

    Ambrotose has an amazing effect on animals.

    I could send you the double-blind studies on email.

    Contact me on

  8. #18
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    This is to advise posters in this thread that I have received a take-down notice of the content of this thread from Mannatech, as follows:


    TO: (essentially me)

    RE: Impermissible Use of Health Claims Attributed to Mannatech Products

    Dear: (essentially me),

    Mannatech, Incorporated (?Mannatech?) has attempted to contact you on two separate occasions seeking your immediate assistance in removing statements from your website (identified above) which violate Mannatech policies in connection with claims about our nutritional products. Our records do not reflect you?ve made the requested changes to your website and contacted the undersigned regarding this matter.

    Mannatech demands you immediately remove from your website any statement which (i) states, suggests or implies Mannatech nutritional products prevent, treat or cure disease, (ii) states, suggests or implies Mannatech nutritional products are a substitute for a doctor?s standard of care, and/or (iii) otherwise violates Mannatech?s Associate Policies & Procedures.

    Please contact the undersigned at Because of the serious nature of this issue, failure to contact the undersigned within three (3) business days from the receipt of this letter will result in Mannatech taking additional action to secure your compliance.

    The removal of this type of impermissible information from the internet is of great importance to protect Mannatech?s right to conduct business. Mannatech is prepared to take legal action to secure your immediate compliance with this demand, including litigation seeking injunctive relief, damages and attorney?s fees as allowed under Texas law. It is our hope, however, that you now fully appreciate our concerns and will take prompt action to avoid escalating the matter further.


    The Mannatech Legal, Ethics and Compliance Department

    Note: Nothing contained in this letter shall be construed as a waiver of any rights Mannatech, Incorporated has at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.
    My first response (11th July 2012):

    Dear sir/madam,

    1. I am unaware of previous attempts to contact myself or The Forum SA in this matter. Please advise how these attempts were made.
    2. The Forum SA is a social media website that does not exercise pre-publication control of content published. Primary responsibility for the content of each post rests with the member publishing that post.
    3. The Forum SA is guided by the principles of freedom of speech, but also acknowledges that the right to freedom of speech can be legitimately limited. Accordingly I acknowledge that as a moderator, I may be required to exercise post-publication editing, issuing of notices or other adjustments to content published on The Forum SA on occasion. However, any such addition, alteration or removal must be properly justified.
    4. In order for me to properly assess your request, please indicate by reply the exact posts (each post is numbered) and contents (please copy and paste) that you wish to have removed, together with the legal foundation or your public interest cause for concern applicable in respect of each removal request.

    Assuring you of my best attention.

    Yours faithfully

    Next contact from Mannatech:


    TO: (essentially me)

    RE: Impermissible Use of Health Claims Attributed to Mannatech Products

    Dear: (essentially me),

    A few days ago Mannatech, Incorporated ("Mannatech") contacted you requesting your immediate assistance in removing statements from your website (identified above) which violate Mannatech policies in connection with claims about our nutritional products. Our records do not reflect you''ve made the requested changes to your website and contacted the undersigned regarding this matter - this automated letter was generated accordingly.

    Mannatech requests you immediately remove from your website any statement which (i) states, suggests or implies Mannatech nutritional products prevent, treat or cure disease, (ii) states, suggests or implies Mannatech nutritional products are a substitute for a doctor?s standard of care, and/or (iii) otherwise violates Mannatech''s Associate Policies & Procedures. We further request that you contact the undersigned at within five (5) business days from the receipt of this letter to (i) confirm the offending statements/representations have been removed from the website and (ii) confirm you will refrain from making such representations in connection with Mannatech nutritional products in the future.

    The removal of this type of impermissible information from the internet is of great importance to protect Mannatech''s right to conduct business. Mannatech is prepared, if necessary, to take legal action to secure your immediate compliance with this demand, including litigation seeking injunctive relief, damages and attorney?s fees as allowed under Texas law. It is our hope, however, that you now fully appreciate our concerns and will take prompt action to avoid escalating the matter further.

    If you have already complied with the original letter from Mannatech concerning this matter, please disregard this automated letter. You will be contacted regarding the next steps in the compliance process in the near future.


    The Mannatech Legal, Ethics and Compliance Department

    Note: Nothing contained in this letter shall be construed as a waiver of any rights Mannatech, Incorporated has at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.
    My response (23rd July 2012):

    Please find attached email sent on 11th July 2012 requesting specific information in respect of your request.

    To date I have yet to receive a response to this communication from a Mannatech representative.

    Please confirm receipt of this notice, and advise when I may expect the specific information required in order for me to assist.

    Please also be advised that given the lack of response from Mannatech to date, I have published the content of your notices and my responses in the thread concerned to establish public record of these communications.

    Please note that dates within the correspondence received from Mannatech is in the format mm/dd/yy

  9. #19
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    Wow an exciting thread.
    I see they don't say anything about the business model and commissions paid.
    Also if some of the members who posted about Mannatech could tell us if they know about not making medical claims it would help with the other side to this claim.
    What are the odds of even getting a reply to this as it may just be a general email sent out to all websites about Mannatech?
    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

  10. #20
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanF View Post
    Wow an exciting thread.
    Well, it certainly has got my interest now. It poses some absolutely fascinating questions.

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