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Thread: Remote Support - No Traffic & Service More Clients

  1. #1
    Email problem daveob's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Remote Support - No Traffic & Service More Clients

    Well, I really hope that I don't get slapped on the wrists for posting this here, but here goes ..

    We've just launched a new Remote Support service that allows you to service more clients, spend less time on the road, and generally be more productive.

    Below is a copy of some info from our web site ( )

    YES, there are other similar services, but with our repeater super server based in SA, there aren't many that can match our speeds.

    Work on another PC without leaving your office.

    RemoteView is a powerful remote support software tool that allows you to control (right from your own PC) another PC connected to the internet.

    With the ever increasing traffic congestion on our roads, it is the ideal solution to provide quick remote assistance and help your customers, colleagues, friends and family members, even if they are on the other side of the country, or even just a few short blocks away, or even in your own office block !!

    RemoteView has been specially developed for the local South African market, where international bandwidth is generally considerably slower.

    RemoteView is customisable : you can have your own client side server package with your logo and company name.

    The individual or client that you want to remotely assist only has to download and execute your customised package. That's it.

    No installations, no hassle, no fuss.

    No router/modem/firewall configuration is needed to access a remote PC even when it's standing on a protected network behind a NAT.
    Watching the ships passing by.

  2. #2
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    Hi Dave

    This looks like a good product, but @ R57 per 50MB, I have to be honest in saying that I don't think you're going to get much interest, not with that the fact that one needs to pay for the ADSL traffic as well. I don't want to shoot you off, but there are many products which don't need a repeater, and have a one-off price tag. I'm not competing in any way, so I'm telling you this for a business point of view
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  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daveob View Post
    Well, I really hope that I don't get slapped on the wrists for posting this here, but here goes .
    Now why would I do a thing like that

    Good luck with the product

  4. #4
    Email problem daveob's Avatar
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    Hi SoftDux

    Thanks for the feedback. Yes, there is a price tag on this, and I hear your point, and agree that there are even free vnc options available.

    However ..... ( in defense ) to use a free vnc service with a direct connection between PCs, usually takes a reasonable level of computer literacy, especially if firewalls, etc need to be configured. Having been in software support for nearly 10 years, there is a reasonably high percentage of computer users who are just not 'up to the task'.

    The solution, is to use a 'repeater', a web server based application that facilitates the connection between the client and the support staff. This generally does away with the need for the finicky configurations as the clients PC initiates the connection to the repeater ( called a reverse connection ). Now for the problem with repeaters : in general, the free usage repeaters are all based internationally, but with the speed of our international bandwidth being throttled back ( pronounced 'choked' ) by the powers that be, this really slows down this option considerably.

    I actually started this project as a solution to my own software support requirements, with it really being easier to show the client how to repair a database, set file permissions, etc instead of trying to talk then through the process on the phone. The general indication of the users ability comes with questions like "must I turn the screen on" and statements like "i don't know what e-mail program I am using" or "Should I click with the left or right button", or "Click with the mouse ?" to virtually every instruction given. Severe cases extend to 45 minute support calls because nothing is printing on the paper and eventually the discovery that the kids were playing with the printer settings - not a problem, unless your client is colour blind !!

    So, we created our own locally based repeater and did some additional development and enhancement of the client side server application and the support users viewer. The result is a really simple to use service, that only requires the client to Click on the link and run the software. The rest is automatic and hassle-free and you'll be doing the business of support that you need to be getting on with in a few seconds - creates a fantastic reputation with your clients.

    So Yes, you can get it for free, but be prepared for considerable setup headaches ( with almost each and every client ), or use something that's had the hassle factor taken out of it.

    Oh, and the price - at R1 per Mb you might think that you're paying MTN data rates. However, in our testing, as well as my own use of the service during the development phase ( for own client support ) it works out to around R20 per hour. Now considering my average support session lasts about 10 minutes ( taken fromthe 'My Account > Reports' page on the site) ( quick once you can see on the client's PC that critical thing that they forgot to mention in the phone call ), that's less than R3.50 per support session. Consider that as soon as you start your car and drive out the gate, you've already spent that !! And I have personally assisted upto 6 clients in the same hour ( on a really busy day ), with them being located in all different cities in South Africa - I definately could not do that by jumping in the car.

    So there's my defense - there are many products and sevices available on the market that do not charge relative to their cost, but instead relative to the value that the client sees in the product. We have tried to keep this as cost effective for the user as possible, and we're definately not going to pay for a new Hummer from the profits of this service - but it is a service that we need for software support.

    Now if you've taken the time to read this thread, and are still unsure but know you need to help clients with PC support of any kind, please go along and register on our site this week, and you'll automatically get 10Mb free traffic to play and test with. Using the service in Greyscale mode, that's about 30 minutes worth.

    Watching the ships passing by.

  5. #5
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    Support these days is not just about solving the solution.... its about solving the solution and building a relationship with said client. I have to be honest I thought of this idea about 2-3 Years ago and realized it was a problem in that all my clients that i used to Remote support ended up leaving our company to join another that had a hands on approch.

    Its the Human condition nothing else.... I have analyzed this quite a bit and the main problem here is the resale point of view. Not to mention the VAS that you are bringing to he table if you are going to do the job and be face to face.

    Be cautious on doing a Remote system.

    Im sorry if this comes across as a negative.... its not meant to be negative just help you out for when you wondering why its not working greatly.... a Human visit may just do the trick for you now and again. IE Every 5th job you go in to sort out the job face to face. - Networking Forums SA partner site. Let's support each other for a better South Africa.

  6. #6
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    Remote support depends on how you sell it. For our print MIS system the remote support is free and they charge if they visit you and it is quicker. I go for remote.
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  7. #7
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    Look im not saying its bad.... It is something really usefull if its not the sole reason for your business... Hell i use it all the time when i can... But 85%-95% of the time im onsite doing the job myself/My employees. - Networking Forums SA partner site. Let's support each other for a better South Africa.

  8. #8
    Email problem daveob's Avatar
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    Well, as we can see from Snoopy & Ian's posts, it's obvious that this type of service definately has merits, but is not the ultimate solution for everyone.

    From my own side, I supply all software support on one of our products to some 2500 clients, and these definately fall into the " I don't need to see you - just get it fixed NOW !! " category. On a busy day I've used remote support for clients in all the provinces.

    That hands-on human contact is still a very important requirement, but it has to be accompanied by an exceptional service level when it matters most to the client - like when Ian's press isn't turning, the plates are oxidising and the ink starts to resemble cold honey - not to mention the irrate client waiting for his promised delivery. Obviously, there are some problems that you just can't do via remote control - ( like turning the wall power switch back on ).

    At the end of the day, you're the only one that can weigh-up the pro's and con's of remote support, and balance the remote vs human requirements to keep that client happy.

    My choice - if a client needs suport fast, it's the perfect solution. If they have time for coffee and a chat, then a well planned visit to many clients in the same area can be really great time management.
    Watching the ships passing by.

  9. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daveob View Post
    If they have time for coffee and a chat, then a well planned visit to many clients in the same area can be really great time management.
    And not so easily arranged.

    I think it's a case of you can't keep all the people happy all the time. And you can't expect one product to be the perfect solution for everyone either. As long as it's the right product for enough people, you've got a viable business.

  10. #10
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    True, but a good product for one business isn't as good for another, even in the same business sector / market
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