I'm trying to figure out if it's just me, or something on the South African internet. I cannot access http://www.rentacoder.com - I keep on getting a 504 Gateway Timeout.
Can anyone else access this website?
I'm trying to figure out if it's just me, or something on the South African internet. I cannot access http://www.rentacoder.com - I keep on getting a 504 Gateway Timeout.
Can anyone else access this website?
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It seems they're having server problems. Nothing wrong with the URL and DNS by the looks of things.
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Alcocks Electrical Services | Alcocks Pest Control & Entomological Services | Alcocks Hygiene Services
well, the funny part is that I haven't been able to access the site for the past 2 weeks from ADSL, and also thought it's a server problem on their side,
until I tried accessing from my Linux server in the USA, via SSH. Unfortunately lynx & links doesn't support their site very well, so I can't really login.
And I was able to access it from dialup from our farm this weekend without a problem.
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Loads fine from here in Aus.............
Huh-I was testing via Telkom ADSL. I'll try via V3g tonight.
I've had wierd problems like this before with transparent proxies on some of the ISP services.
Last edited by Dave A; 25-Mar-08 at 02:53 PM.
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Alcocks Electrical Services | Alcocks Pest Control & Entomological Services | Alcocks Hygiene Services
so it's a problem on the SA ADSL network then
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Try using this proxy: cache.telkomsa.net:8080
It's one of the saix transparent proxies and it works for me. I couldn't access the site before I used the proxy but I can now.
I think one of their transparent proxies are having issues, but this one seems to work for now
Good luck!
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thanx, I tried cache.saix.net before without any problems, but cache.telkomsa.net worked
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Let me gently ease a log onto the fire here.
I've had a similar problem accessing cPanel on a New York server via ADSL - and yet I can access it via V3g. However, I have no problems accessing the front end of this particular site via ADSL.
Now SoftDux raises this access problem with a site for international coders.
I wonder how much of this is someone tweaking a few settings locally on the default transparent proxies to inhibit accessing certain foreign IT resources?
I say "certain" because on ADSL I have no problem connecting to cPanel via ADSL for another one of my overseas hosted sites (a server in Texas I believe).
Or am I being a conspiracy theorist here?
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Alcocks Electrical Services | Alcocks Pest Control & Entomological Services | Alcocks Hygiene Services
Not quite. From time to time I get a call from a client saying they can't access cPanel, Webmail, or even SMTP / POP3 from our American hosted servers, at which point I tell them to contact their ISP, and them "magically" it works shortly after that. I also know of many incidents where certain ISP's block email to & from other ISP's, making their clients believe the blocked ISP's service is crap....
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