As some will be aware, registration of Trusts on Efiling can be a bit of a problem.
The original registration requirements on Efiling were relatively lax, so it was possible to register a Trust on Efiling without a registration number that perfectly matched the information that was already recorded on SARS' system (from when the Trust was originally registered as a taxpayer). SARS have become more strict about this an it's not possible to register or transfer a Trust on Efiling unless the registration number perfectly matches the original information which SARS have on their system.
Due to the fact that the registration number is designated "sensitive information", SARS cannot give out the details of what THEY have on their system, so if their information is incorrect, the only way to correct it is by walk-in appointment.
Walk-in appointments in this day and age, just seems entirely unfeasible. Can anyone suggest any way to avoid having to physically visit a SARS branch to fix this?
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