Doing normal electrical work on sites which have solar installations.

Our standard requirement is copy of all COC's for the site, before we step foot on the site and that people is where the fights normally start.

How do you deal with the non compliant COC's on properties where customers want you to take over the electrical and maintenance on the property ?

Without even looking at the COC, you can already identify a list of visible non compliant issues.

Lets say you have a 5 kw inverter and a 35 or 40 amp supply breaker, the way I see it due to the pass through current using a 2.5 mm 4 core surfix for the input and output would automatically be a code violation.

The same with the 8 kw inverter with a passthrough current of 50 amps, with an anything form a 50-63 amp mcb supplying the inverter input, a 6 mm 4 core surfix just wouldn't cut it. We can go into details about the thin single earth wire another time.

The solar COC is added to the original COC, which is great, but, how do you add a COC to the original if you modify all the DB's to essential and non essential?

If the solar installer modifies every DB on the property, surely the solar COC/test report becomes the original and the original is no longer valid?

If you look at the top of the test report, it clearly states "" Test report for DB/ supply" so if you modify the DB in any way the original test report for that DB is no longer valid?

You would have to carry out a full test report once the DB is upgraded.