This last project is good example of why I have so much work, I just need another contractor to work on the same site or boot a customer so that they have to get someone else to fix machines or just do work in general on a site.

I just grin.

what is the big deal, where do we start?

I never drop staff on site and collect at 4pm.

its the simple things that makes all the difference,

I dont bullshyte customers, if I dont know what I am doing I tell the customer and let them decide if they want me to continue. If I cant fix a machine, I dont charge for the time.

We tell the customer if we mess up and let them decide how we can fix the problem.

I finish what I start in the time frame that is required ( this is in the top 5 of best practices, do this and you are already doubling your word of mouth enquires).

We look after the customers property, simple things like wiping your feet when you enter the property, putting protective covers on surfaces and just generally, be a little considerate.

We dont take what is not ours, in other words, we dont help ourselves to the customer food or drinks in the fridge, use the customer tools and equipment. In other words show a little respect and leave stuff alone that doesn't below to you

Be polite and be nice to the pets, a good sign of a good person is when the pets like you. If the pets dont like chances are you not get the work or you are going to watched very closely.

If you pitch up in an old vehicle full of rust, but your vehicle is clean and your equipment is clean and tidy, chances are your will get work again.

Arrive in a dirty car with junk everywhere in the vehicle, and just be an untidy person in general, chances are you not going to be called back.

we have all the equipment required to do any thing that has to done on site, If we dont have it, I go buy it.

If you want to get thrown off a site where I am working, drop off a team that doesn't have all the equipment and watch how quickly you are requested to leave. This is becoming a bigger problem by the day.

The staff loose the tools and equipment due to negligence, dont tell the boss, then walk around asking to borrow, that people is where the fight starts, you want tools to go missing watch how quickly it happens when these team leave site.