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Thread: Taxes and overheads

  1. #11
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    If you were really smart you would have already climbed on the solar band wagon and made a few million selling solar equipment out of an room with desk, a computer and internet connection, with a long list of installers who have a smart sparkie issuing COC's from the room next door to the guy selling the equipment
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  2. #12
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    @Isetech I agree that there is too much red tape and regulations such a BEE that kills business. There is no incentive to invest and start a business to create jobs and earn a decent living.

    Once in business or a trade, one cannot be complacent. You have to learn all the time but you also have to keep your ear to the ground to be aware of new trends and products and which way the market is moving. A decent swot analysis should be able to highlight your strengths and weaknesses and also your opportunities and threats.

    Sometimes one has to make a change to grab the opportunity or to avert the disaster. I started out as a musician, but could not compete with Mick Jagger. Banking did not pay, but I gained valuable knowledge and experience to start my own business. From manufacturing I went to distribution and new products and systems are adding to the success of my business. All thanks to decent and trustworthy suppliers.
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

  3. #13
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    There is no better time than right now, there is never a better time.

    I started this business when I had no idea what I was getting into, I had this idea that if I was self employed I would get rich really quickly, considering the time and effort I put into everything I do.

    People say hard work will make you rich, dont be a fool, I dont know of one person who has worked as hard as I do, who got rich.

    I do know of hundreds of people who got rich, not from hard work.

    I know of people who were prepared to sell their soul to make a lot of cash, unfortunately I am not prepared to sell my soul for any amount of money.

    I am also not prepared to use drugs, porn or a bunch stupid woman who are prepared to be used for only fans to make a ton of cash and become a hero driving material object to prove my worth , maybe when I was 20 and had not morals or standards.

    If you want to make a lot of money save a portion of your income for long period of time, or just keep trying until you get lucky, because you have to get lucky or be blesses. Being in the right place at the right time will make all the difference.
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  4. #14
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    I have started many businesses along the way. Not with the intention of getting rich, but out of necessity to eat, support my family and survive.

    Just by employing the simple philosiphy of spending less than I earn, I've managed to buy a house and car for cash and live comfortably, not putting any pressure on myself to keep up with the Jones' who drive luxury German sedans and the latest double cabs.

    It also helps having a wife who is happy with the simple things in life, not demanding to have all the latest gadgets, most of them being, in my opinion, unneccessary. We live a laid back, stress free life. Simple.

    All the money in the world won't change that.

  5. #15
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    The way I see it, yes it's less headaches and admin if its just yourself and 1 or 2 labourers but realistically how much money can you make with just yourself and 2 guys.
    We run our own companies to make money, not play games.

    The successful / larger companies in my area have 5 or 6 teams each with their own vehicle. Yes, more overheads and stress etc but you can afford it if you have enough work.

  6. #16
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    Just remember, we all have different challenges to deal with on a daily basis, none of us are on the same page or chapter in our lives, how you deal with your challenges is your business.

    People come and go, they rise and fail just as fast, never compare your life with anyone else. you are were you are suppose to be today, smile and make the most of this moment it, you will never experience it ever again.

    You could be dead tomorrow, just try your best, deal with what ever is going to happen today, tomorrow and the next day and make the most it.

    The biggest regret most old people have, not taking chances.

    We have some interesting time ahead, voting almost done, a new chapter in this country will begin as soon as the results are completed, make the most it.
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blurock View Post
    @Isetech I agree that there is too much red tape and regulations such a BEE that kills business. There is no incentive to invest and start a business to create jobs and earn a decent living.
    The one that finished me off was when I quoted on a training school UPS install. We didn't get the job but I did, by chance bump into a guy and in ACDC dynamics (hate going there but that's another story), who was pick up a UPS - same one specifically specified for the job we quoted on.

    Got talking to the guy - he was supplying the UPS to the electrician who got the install on that job.

    His mark up alone on that UPS, for buying it, picking it up and driving a few km and dropping it off was just shy of what I quoted to supply and install the whole job. I think the whole job was R130000 from my side. He was charging R120 thousand something (can't remember the figure exactly) to pick it up and drop it off.

    Good example how there isn't a level playing field.

    Another client recently stopped using me after 14 years. Someone in the office said I was to expensive - as they were long standing customers who gave us regular work we were charging R550 an hour for licensed guy, trade tested guy (who is really good - with me for 10 years) and a electrical assistant.

    Few other people in the office also said I must have workman's comp letter of good standing, safety file, medicals for all my guy, first aider, fire fighter, public liability insurance plus the usual license and registration with DOL all of which is not cheap.

    New guy they use is cheaper - there is NO WAY he has all that stuff listed. Again not a level playing field.

  8. #18
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    You would think with the rate of unemployment, people would want to create more jobs.
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