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Thread: Insurance for work sites

  1. #11
    Platinum Member
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    I think many of the people reading these posts are starting to understand why charging R450/550 even 650 per hour is just not realistic.

    When you see a bill from an electrical contractor charging anything from R850 - to R1500 per hour, its not that the rates are high, there is a good chance that the elctrical contractor is registered, has "äll" the correct insurance cover, pays PAYE, workman's compensation, staff are registered with the NBCEI, etc, etc, etc.

    If the customer says you are too expensive, you are not the problem, the customer is the problem. they are not looking for and elctrical contractor, they looking for a cardboard electrician or handyman.
    Comments are my opinion, unless regulations are attached to support the comment. This is social media, not a court room.

  2. #12
    Gold Member
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    100% I am small and taking all into account I need to be at 850 an hour and no discount for a 6 hour day or long project or anything.

    Yet I say R650 for a call out I get a grunt.

    Then on the other hand they say wow we sparks are in demand and someone decent.

    Confusing for sure.

    If I could charge what it was actually worth last year I would not have been in the debit order bouncing I was in...

    So this year I am now charging, my thought process is my car not started is a profit.. accountants would scream at me but so far working ok and weeding out the ones that don't value the knowledge you have

    Sent from my CPH2197 using Tapatalk

  3. #13
    Platinum Member
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    2 things to consider:

    1/ You need to start somewhere.

    2/ Once you mention your fees, it is very difficult to increase your fees.
    Comments are my opinion, unless regulations are attached to support the comment. This is social media, not a court room.

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