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Thread: Invoice batch import issue

  1. #1
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    Invoice batch import issue

    I import csv customer invoices to pastel accounting . My invoice numbers are not always in sequence but this is normally not a problem as my pastel is set to allow own invoice numbers.
    However today I imported 40 invoices. 39 were in sequence but the last 1 had an out of sequence number (relating to an export so vnb to have the correct number)
    For some reason pastel will not allow this invoice to have it's own number and keeps putting it into the sequence of the others.
    This has happened on the odd occasion before and I've managed to resolve by importing the errant invoice in a batch on its own. This time this strategy will not work. I really need the invoice to have the chosen number. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Full Member TravisSinclair's Avatar
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    It's likely that that invoice number has already been used in the past, which is why Pastel won't accept it. Even if you can't see an invoice with that number, the Pervasive tables may have a line with that invoice number in it. The History Header or History Lines files in the Pervasive table may need to be checked for this. This will require someone with an understanding of the Pervasive tables to work on your data. Let me know if you would like me to contact you to assist with this.

  3. #3
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    Thanks so much. You are quite correct. I picked up a duplicate invoice number from November last year that has been causing the problem.
    I changed the prefix on the current invoice from IN to INV and it imports no problem. It's not ideal but a least worst solution.

  4. #4
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    In order to resolve the issue of Pastel accounting automatically assigning a sequential number to your out-of-sequence invoice, you can try the following steps:

    Open Pastel accounting software and go to the invoice entry section.
    Create a new invoice entry for the out-of-sequence invoice.
    Instead of manually entering the invoice number, leave the field blank or enter a temporary placeholder number.
    Save the invoice entry without a number assigned to it.
    Open the invoice entry again and edit it.
    Now, manually enter the desired invoice number in the appropriate field.
    Save the invoice entry once again.

    By following these steps, you should be able to assign the chosen number to your invoice without it being automatically re-sequenced by Pastel accounting.
    Last edited by Dave A; 31-May-23 at 10:45 AM.

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