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Thread: Living in a dream ?

  1. #1
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Living in a dream ?

    Are you a greeny who believes that renewable energy is gonna save the world.

    Better you wake up from that dream and face the reality.

    Take 5 minutes, watch the attached, short presentation and THINK ABOUT IT.

  2. #2
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    Its the only thing paying the bills for some people, creating more jobs and keeping the lights on at the moment.

    Is it going to go away anytime soon, I doublt it, or should I say I hope it doesnt go away because I have invested a lot of money and time into renewables and plan to ramp up the investment into the greener way of doing things.

    I am in discussion with someone at the moment to take it a lot more serious, looking at larger scale projects.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Great video to remind people this ain't simple. However, if you don't plant the tree today, it won't be there to provide fruit and shade at some point in the future.

    Forty years ago (or thereabouts), the comment that every home would have a computer appeared an impossible dream.
    Where are we today?

    You have to start.
    You have to keep pushing.
    Bit by bit, you'll make progress.

    And one day that impossible dream is reality.

  4. Thanks given for this post:

    Derlyn (01-May-23)

  5. #4
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    I have attached a short video which covers the green hypocrisy of the west.

    Colyn Serfontein only has 2700 subscribers, but in my opinion is spot on regarding the above.

    I have been following him from day 1 on his channel and should you be interested in wanting to know what's REALLY happening
    in the Ukraine, then Colyn's your man.

    WARNING: He calls a spade a spade and there's a bit of strong language.

  6. #5
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    When I hear news of higher stages of load shedding, I smile and think, man It was worth the time wasted doing research into solar.

    The part I dont enjoy is the calls from people who dont have the cash or the resourses splash out hundreds of thousands of rand to install a solution.

    People wonder why every man , his dog, cat and uncle is now installing solar, nobody really cares about you installation, its money for jam. People have been forced into this situation and not much else going on other than solar right now.

    Its affecting people businesses, people jobs and people safety and security.

    It has created an oportunity for criminals and all the others dirty dealing going on in the solar industry. The fat cats are just getting fatter

    Right now nobody cares about the "greeny", it more about survival.

    Just like back in 2008, when load shedding started, we saw the writing on the wall and made hay while the sun was shinning.

    A lot of people, lost a lot of money back when they decided to tell everyone load shedding was done. Millions of rands worth of generators sat in the port for months, which turned a quick buck into slow drawn out investment.

    This time the smart people are making you pay upfront, just in case they decide to stop load shedding tomorow.

    My only concern right now is that the suppliers are sitting on millions/billions, if any of them go bust a lot of people are going to loose a lot of money again.

    I have doubt about the shortages of materials, I wonder if it is not a way to control the prices.

    Susnsynk suppliers for example, will tell you there is no stock so you have to pay up front, yet Deye/sunsynk are supplying the UK and expanded to Australia, you have to give Sunsynk supplier credit for smart business practice, they have the money in the bank before they even order the product, tell me that isnt smart business sense. If you buying solar panels they have the money in the bank already and take 3-4 month to supply the goods.

    Bend over, hold your ankles and take it as it comes, take that loan and get yourslef into more debt, it arent gonna get any better.

    Just when you thought you have been shafted enough, the SSEG registration are going to start for many, that's going to be another R15000.00 you gonna need to find to pay the contractor, the engineer. Just when you thought it couldnt get any worse, wait till the council meter replacements start, the levies and other tarriffs they going to add.

    Sorry it doesn't stop there, if you thought you were one of the clever ones who has decided not to register your SSEG, and enjoying the better ROI, I have some reallty bad news for you. The smart people who have registered would only be paying for the engineer, the constractor and the replacement meter.

    If your road is already at capacity, all the people who evetually get caught and have to register will have to fork out for the upgrade of the infrastructure. Anyone who has applied for a new installation or and caapcity upgrade in a factory or premises will tell you it is not cheap. A quote for a factory move was cancelled due the million rand council upgrade fee.

    Please tell me this is all garbage and I am sucking at straws. Show us facts that prove there is nothing to be concened about and the government will be offering subisdies to assit the people of this country.

    ested a higher capacity

    I am glad to see more and more people importing solar panels, so waiting 3 months for panels is a joke.

  7. #6
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Did you watch the attached video and if so, what are your thoughts on what Colyn is saying ?
    Do you think it's bull or is there merit in what he's saying ?

  8. #7
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    I did skim through it, we all know what the problems are, I cant say what I think on social media.

    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post

    Did you watch the attached video and if so, what are your thoughts on what Colyn is saying ?
    Do you think it's bull or is there merit in what he's saying ?

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post

    Did you watch the attached video and if so, what are your thoughts on what Colyn is saying ?
    Do you think it's bull or is there merit in what he's saying ?
    I watched
    The intelligent level of politicians and voters I will not disagree with

    When it comes to trying to tell us that was done in previous years , like 1950, when people were not expected to live past the age of 60 still applies today is short sighted and a narrative to suit a particular agenda.

    It has been proven medically that were high levels of CO2 and sulfur dioxide are present in the air there health issues around eyes , nose , throat and lungs which is the main reason that things have changed , worldwide.
    Komati power station was coming to end of life and loss of energy from the grid was meant to have been replaced by Medupi and Kusile power stations - I also seem to remember that the coal fields in that area were coming to end of life .
    A boiler can only last so long until it needs to be replaced - Any electrical and mechanical item reaches a stage that it costs more to maintain then it does to replace - It is why we change vehicles

    Putting up wind and PV on the Komati site has not been a disaster , the building and commissioning of Medupi and Kusile has been the disaster and is well documented

    PV is not dead in Germany ,UK or any where else in the world but growing at astronomical rates and that in countries that have no where near the same amount of sunshine .

    If you go back 10 or 15 years ago, there where no completed Townhouse /estates off grid vs today there being a couple of them worldwide and again a expanding concept that was regarded as impossible 10 Years ago .

    I have read 2 articles on complete PV and energy storage solutions powering 2 reasonable size cites and a further 1 that was done in a estate type set up where batteries from different houses would supply each other within there own network with the use of smart meters.

    PV will not die out but energy storage will need to improve and is improving in leaps and bounds - Eskom first had its pump storage schemes for energy storage so at night the dams would be pumped full and day time the water run down and the pumps become generators - Today you have molten salt towers , Mechanical towers dropping dead weights to generate and talk of a break through on salt batteries.
    Is PV and energy storage going to die - I very much doubt it as energy storage will become cheaper due to material changes and more environmental friendly , like everything else in the world that is striving to become environmental friendly.

    In my opinion he has selectively taken events and strung them together to maximize the bullshit - anybody taking that as truth,I would place in the same category as the voters and Politian's he refers to

  10. #9
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    My brother. Thank you for that comprehensive reply. Will post again later. Struggling with internet at the moment. Tower battery problems.


  11. #10
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    The struggle is real, you can spend R500 000 on a backup system and still stil lsit isolated from the world

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