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Thread: Sunsynk warranty claims

  1. #1
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    Sunsynk warranty claims

    Sunsynk has a 10 year warranty on the inverter, and matched with a Sunsynk battery, combined they both have a 10 year warranty.

    Anyone had to put a warranty claim yet.

    How did you go about it?

    What was the turnaround time?

    Was the unit repaired or replaced?

    Who carries the warranty, the SA supplier or Sunsynk UK?

    Who paid for the transport costs?

    Was a support unit supplied while the claim was being processed.

    We have a problem with a Sunsynk battery, not holding a charge, they are busy trying to determine if it is a software issue or a faulty battery.

  2. #2
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    What sort of turnaround time can you expect from Sunsynk when you have a faulty unit, or should I say what would you expect?

  3. #3
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    If I am the installer and all my work is done according to spec, cabling sizes spacing etc, am I expected to remove the unit at my cost and arrange for the unit ot be returned to the support centre?

    Do we as installer have to include these cost in our quote?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isetech View Post
    If I am the installer and all my work is done according to spec, cabling sizes spacing etc, am I expected to remove the unit at my cost and arrange for the unit ot be returned to the support centre?

    Do we as installer have to include these cost in our quote?
    Yes you would need to allow for comebacks on faulty equipment probably a bit more than you would on " normal " electrical contracting rates

    If for some reason you accept a job where the equipment is supplied by others it can be a blessing, as any comeback work for faulty equipment is charged for at hourly call out rates

  5. #5
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    I need to get this right, any asssitance would be appreciated.

    Lets say I install a Sunsynk inverter and battery (size not important) and lets say 10 X JA solar panels (purchased from a local importer, supplier)

    I am not concerened about these items, bypass DB and DC combiner box and all the otehr bits and pieces ( this stuff would be covered by our company) and I would just replace the components and sort it out with my wholesaler.

    What would be expected of our company with regards to warranty claims for the large items (inverter, battery and panels).

    What sort of turnaorund time would be expected.

    Susnsynk have a warranty claim document which has to be completed by the customer or installer and submitted to Sunsynk.

    We make sure the installation is spec'd correctly, spacing between units, cable sizes and over current protection etc is selected and installed correctly. We also submit pictures of the installation which verify the installation has be installed using a set of basic guidlines for lithium batteires and air flow is not restricted and spacing has been units has been adhered to.

    The question is simple, if lets say an inverter goes pop and the unit has to be sent for an assessment.

    Who do you contact and who is responsible to ge tit sorted out?

    Your installer (the warranty is with Sunsynk)?

    The importer/supplier in SA, where you purchase the product?

    Sunsynk technical in the UK?

    The same with the solar panels, who carries the warranty?

    Is it the customer, the installer, the supplier or the manufacturer?

  6. #6
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    I will only buy from a supplier that has a workshop to inspect the faulty unit and that will take responsibility for any faulty product in a similar fashion that a supplier that does not assist with replacement for a faulty socket or CB will not get my repeat business

    If I must wait for my preferred supplier to get stock , then my customer must wait , I will not get bullied into supporting a supplier that i am not comfortable with

    I reckon another 2 years for the Solar industry to sort itself out where after only the suppliers and contractors that deliver decent service will continue getting repeat business
    There will always be the scam artists around but hopefully less and it will be the customers that think there are getting a better price - Customers will start feeling the pain of going for the cheapest in the next 2 years

    Just look at hubble warranty terms on the battery - No short circuit , no overload , temperature never above 55 degrees , external battery protection and the battery is only deemed faulty if suppling less than 50% of rating

    Installers are installing the batteries and overloading from day 1 - when the house is sold and next owner comes in , it gets even worse as they did not request that the installer skimp on the installation , they don't understand that they must turn equipment off , they don't understand how the system works

    It is why the regulations state Where the alternative supply is intended to provide a supply to an
    installation that is not connected to the main supply, or to provide a supply as
    a switched alternative to the main supply, the capacity and operating
    characteristics of the alternative supply shall be such that danger or damage
    to equipment does not arise after the connection or disconnection of any
    intended load
    as a result of the deviation of the voltage or frequency from the
    standard range. Means shall be provided to automatically disconnect such
    parts of the installation, as may be necessary if the capacity of the alternative
    supply is exceeded.

    So yes - warranties are a problem if the installation is not 100% correct and the supplier is not a legitimate supplier that has been around for awhile and you have some history with the supplier and know that he will back you up

  7. #7
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    Another day wasted, not really(never wasted when I learn something new), but at least we are one step closer to offering our customers a product which we can offer better technical support and have a better understanding of how things work, how to identify problems with installed systems using the plant overview and apps. I get really frustrated, but the more problem the more I learn

    It has been a long uphill battle, but I am getting closer by the day, the challenges I have experienced setting up these units, the problems we face on a daily basis, filtering out all the groups and people who add no value, but more important, the contact details of the right people, that is the key.

  8. #8
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    It is good sign, to see there are no responses to this thread complaining about Sunsynk warranty claims

  9. #9
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    The struggle with a sunsynk battery continues, I dont know at what point it no longer becomes my problem. As the installer I am doing everything in my power to attempt to resolve this issue. If I had a spare 5.3kwh Sunsynk battery I would have replaced the battery already and sent the battery to the service centre for review.

    The only other site experience this kind of problem is where we installed a revov battery, the customer supplied the battery. The revov battery is responding exactly the same way as this problem Sunsynk battery, so could it just be a communication issue between the BMS and the inverter.

    What is the issue, the battery drops a couple percent over a period of time (less than a day) and getting worse over time (started 5 months ago when it was installed and just got worse)

    What steps have we taken to resolve the issue.

    A firmaware upgrade for the 5 kva inverter to

    A firmaware upgrade for the 5.3 Kwh battery from 1.02 to 1.06, dropped the SOC below 50 %, as advised, then attempted to recharge to 100 %.

    The communication cable has been tested and checked Libms to verify there are comms.

    Replaced the coms cable just in case.

    Factory reset the inverter, twice.

    Shut the entire system done and restarted from scratch.

    Copied the setting of excatly the same installation and checked, still drops to 96 %.

    At what point should I step away and leave it up to the manufacaturer to step in and fix it?

    The system warranty was submiited.

  10. #10
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    Taking about warranty claims. this is where it starts getting really interesting. Your system is installed and 6 months into the 10 year warranty, you start experiencing a few problems, now what?

    So you get a quote from a company, it is within the budget so the bank appoves the loan, beside all the other challenges you gonana face when you realise the quote doesnt cover everything,there area few additional challenges.

    The quote for the system is not the same company which does the installation, its sub contracted out to a solar installer and signed off by an IE or MIE. The system works everyone is happy.

    Then somethings goes wrong, and it time to read the warranty clauses to try figure out who will be taking care of the warranty.

    Who do you call,

    The person who signed the COC?

    The comapny which did the installation?

    The contact number on the quote ?

    The local supplier of Sunsynk products?

    Sunsynk technical in the UK?

    You need to read the Sunsynk warranty document which was completed when the project was completed.

    This document will have all the photos of the installation to prove that the installation was done correctly and all the spacing between equipment is as per the specs sheet, a few basic guidleines to installing lithium batteries was taken into consideration.

    The COC will have all the information to verifiy ther installation was done according to SANS 10142

    The council registration documents, which was certified by an electrical engineer that the installation was designed and installed correctly as per SABS and NRS standards.

    Now you can start understanding why choosing the cheapest quote might not have been the smartest idea, especially if you have tied yourslef into a 25 year loan agreement.

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