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Thread: Quick question

  1. #1
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    Quick question


    Someone mentioned something about Sprague in a wireway and seperation. I can't find the post so starting this one haha.

    Running AC and DC in same wireway but you can run the DC or the AC in Sprague and that is then ok and considered separated but now it's in the same weirway, basically wireway in a wireway if you will haha.

    Is that ok to do so ? If so that would help a lot with inverter installs and not running trunking over the entire wall haha.

    Sent from my CPH2197 using Tapatalk

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylboy View Post

    Someone mentioned something about Sprague in a wireway and seperation. I can't find the post so starting this one haha.

    Running AC and DC in same wireway but you can run the DC or the AC in Sprague and that is then ok and considered separated but now it's in the same weirway, basically wireway in a wireway if you will haha.

    Is that ok to do so ? If so that would help a lot with inverter installs and not running trunking over the entire wall haha.

    Sent from my CPH2197 using Tapatalk

    This has become the norm, or should I say the response when someone has use a single channel trunking. Have they actually used it, well that you will only know if you see pics with hte cover off

  3. #3
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Another quick question.

    When 2 wires are joined using a connector block, it is an exposed connection if the connector block is not in an enclosure.

    Now if one slides heat shrink over the connector block and shrinks it, will that still be regarded as an exposed connection if not in an enclosure ?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post
    Another quick question, that is why the conduit with the glands on either end make sense, you could just say you bought it from the far east

    When 2 wires are joined using a connector block, it is an exposed connection if the connector block is not in an enclosure.

    Now if one slides heat shrink over the connector block and shrinks it, will that still be regarded as an exposed connection if not in an enclosure ?
    It gets complicated, what you have to consider is the strain relief.

    Why use a connector block, if you use a ferule and crimp the wire, sleeve the ferule, then sleeve over the whole connection and just for added protection triple not just double insulate the joint.

    Once again it is not that simple, you might need to take mechanical, weather proofing and any other environmental conditions into account.

    Something to consider when working in any industry, rules, regs and piles of books, PDF's are used as minimum guidelines.

    I find especially on social media, people take what they read as facts without thinking a little out the box, I wish more people would take a statement, sleep on it and think about the statement, then apply their thought and considerations. People just seem to follow any bullshyte on social media as the hype and just flow with it.

    Like I see there is some hype about lithium batteries and where they should be installed, that seems to have got some peoples knickers in a knot. The reality is if they were so dangerous why are being sold directly to the public ?

  5. #5
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    The reason I'm asking is not because I intend doing it. I did an inspection for a COC yesterday and all the downlights have been connected this way.

    Both wires going in the same side of the block so that both screws are securing each wire. The blocks have all been heat shrinked and a cable tie holds both wires together taking care of the strain issue. I gave it a pass. Nobody is gonna access that connection without using a tool.

    Just trying to get some clarity from the other toppies what they think and if they would insist on enclosures in this case.

    Sometimes, irrespective of how long you've been in the game, you get situations where you are not 100%sure.
    This was one of them

  6. #6
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    Intresting on the sprague of the wireway in wireway thing haha.

    And the connector block with heat shrink and cable tie I see a fine fit adtaultlly, it's quick and effective.

    Sent from my CPH2197 using Tapatalk

  7. #7
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    Now if someone hadn'nt pissed off GCE, he would have posted the regulation

    What people dont realise is that all the information shared on this platform, comes from people who waste their valuable time to contribute to this forum.

    I dont think people realise the value of some of the information shared here.

  8. Thanks given for this post:

    Dylboy (30-Sep-22)

  9. #8
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    I still believe we should start a group for licensed electricians and licensed installers only.

    To be a member of the group you will have to use your real name, submit your qualifications to be verified before you can join. You will also have to make positive contributions to the group.

    This idea of having DIY, installers and licensed electrician all contributing on the same platform is slowly fading.

    People have realised that it has taken them years of training and experience to get to where they are, just to share freely on random social media platforms.

    I believe the user forums/ groups are important for brand specific enquiries, to query fault codes or make adjustments to accessible parameters.
    Last edited by Isetech; 30-Sep-22 at 02:52 PM.

  10. #9
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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  11. #10
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    I am not good with these things, but I have seen Facebook groups that are only open to certain people.

    Maybe someone can start such a group.

    Sometimes only too late does one realise that you are basically coaching a DIY guy.

    Isetech I agree wholeheartedly with your

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