"As of Friday, 24 June 2022, the amendment to SANS 10254, pertaining to the removal of the reference to the Plumbing Industry Registration Board (PIRB) and the plumbing Certificate of Compliance (CoC) requirement from the standard was published in the Government Gazette. Save for the removal of the PIRB and the CoC requirement from the standard, all other installation, replacement and repair requirements in terms of the standard remain the same.
The amendment to the SANS 10254 no longer compels a plumber to issue a CoC in respect of geysers but it does not deny a licensed plumber from issuing a CoC from a recognised body. In issuing a CoC from a recognised body, this gives reassurance to the client and us as the insurer of the quality of the work done."
It appears we can expect more lowering of standards in professional fields based on being "unconstitutional"
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