The department of labour is current going door to door requesting a copy of the COC for the buildings which tenants are renting via a property management group.
You renting a building and the department of labour walks in and requests a COC, what now?
Who is responsible for the COC, the owner or the tenant? If I am renting a building surely it is the owners responsibility to provide the COC, not the tenant.
However a copy of the COC must be given to the tenant so that they can give it to the DOL if they do spot checks as they are doing right now.
We all know this because we work with it on a daily basis. How many people renting buildings not in the electrical industry know this?
Has the DOL offered any form of public awareness, to educate the public of their responsibility.
Is there a web site or something people can check to find out their responsibilities?
Fortunately all my customers have valid copies of COC's, but what about all the other tenants who dont have electrical contractors like most of us on this platform?
I think it great that they are making the effort to go around and check for COC's, it is a good start to cleaning up the industry.
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