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Thread: Brain fried

  1. #1
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    Brain fried


    Having a tough day haha but I saw a DB today where the light circuits where not on earth leakage. Now I flagged that but I am struggling to find the reg that states that lighting circuits must be on earth leakage.

    I am begging to think I just made that rule up as can't find anything.

    Is it true that lighting circuit does not need to have earth leakage protection ?

    Lastly is a water heater a geyser ? I think it is and see it as one but just want to confirm

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  2. #2
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Lighting circuits need not be on earth leakage. No such regulation.

    Ceiling fans must have an isolator unless supplied through an earth leakage. Most electricians that I know rather wire the lights through earth leakage rather than fitting isolators to ceiling fans.

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    Dylboy (27-Jun-22)

  4. #3
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    Ahh hahaha. Glad not gone senile just yet then.

    Yes ya the ELU for ceiling fan is one I know of for ELU as well as for when a socket is involved, not 100% sure now but I think if light supplied by a 16A.

    None the less appreciate it uncle !

    It is a newiah build and the geyser and stove also not on ELU and I don't think a stove coupler was used for the stove hahah.
    Was just hung up on the light circuit.

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  5. #4
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Geyser must be on ELR.
    Any water heater must be on earth leakage.

  6. #5
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    Dylboy, wait to you get to our age, a shelf in the office just for SABS green and black books plus all the amendments (which I made the mistake of burning anything older than 10 years) , then a filing cabinet for all the hazardous location regulations. You say you battling to figure out if lights must be on ELU. I assume you havent started your studies to become a master electrician?

    Imagine one day you will look back at the industry today and reflect on how it will change in the next 40 years.

    When I left school in std 8, started my apprenticeship in 1982, we still had to cut and thread steel pipes to wire up buildings.

    I did my trade test as all round electrician, which included everything including a steel pipe fabrication, filing and fault finding.

    Now I go to work and for the first time this week, I just threw wires across the roof, clipped it down the wall, broke a hole above the flush box and connected and off to the next job.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post
    Geyser must be on ELR.
    Any water heater must be on earth leakage.
    Yes ya, just wanted to confirm it was a water heater. I felt it was actually a geyser in words in the book but today a lot clearer minded.

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  8. #7
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    Hahah I wish I had the older books to refer to to see when what was introduced. Old boss had version 1.7 I think it was of black book so that was cool!

    Yeah was reading the regs book as I swore it had to be on ELU then when I could not see it went to the PC to search and then still nothing so thought to rather pose the question.

    I think the sockets with lights on ELU had me think that.

    Also have a 10month teething baby so sleep is scarce these last few days hahah

    But ya not doing masters hahaha. I wanted to but then would need to do some N6 stuff. I try to read a lot of the stuff but struggle to find the specialized standards or material.

    Right now my studies and efforts is in overseas stuff.

    I wish we had to do the bosal work and the old school way. I feel it meant more as when I did trade it was just PVC...

    I worked with Galv pipe when younger with my dad and plumbing but not electrical stuff and these days it's all PVC mostly as that's what clients want and afford.

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  9. #8
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    I enjoy working with bosal pipe, it looks neat and no threading repaired. I did a project at Alsusaf Hillside smelter were I installed a few km of bosal piping. I wish I had a phone back them to take some pics, it was one of those installs which required a lot of planning to prevent cross over, with a lots of bends.

    We got more free machines on that project than I have purchased since I started my business , just to give you an idea of how many wall anchors we installed, back in those days I think it was every 10 000 anchors we got a machine.

  10. #9
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Another question for this morning, gents.

    Busy with a rewire.

    Gate motor has been wired with 1,5mm FTE to the lights circuit.

    If the gate motor has an isolator and that specific breaker is labelled "lights & gate motor", is it legal ?

    Will save on having to lay 2,5mm and wiring to a plug circuit.

  11. #10
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    That is incredible ! Wish you had a phone too hahaha.

    The bending of bosal is something I like too but do it next to never haha. I have done one 90degree bend....

    I am thinking to just buy some lengths and mess around in the garage and try get better at it and master the where I want the bend to be that is where it will be hahaha.

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