Which brand of light switches do you use?
Back in the day, Crabtree would have been my first choice for general use, then we identified a problem with the blue flash, Crabtree disguised the issue by installing a cover inside the switch.
Then we moved to Clipsal, had the odd failure here and there, all round not a bad switch. They shut down sales in SA and are no longer available (that I know of), what a pity.
We then moved to MES, man what a piece of crap. I have been given a box of MES product to use for replacements, the problem is who is going to pay for the return visit to replace switches failing in less than a year. I am told they sell around R850 000 of product per month, that sounds like a lot of faulty switches to be replaced.
Nothing more embarrassing than a customer sending you videos of faulty products you installed less than 3 months ago. We talking light switching feed single light fittings with 5 watt LED lamps. If it were banks of 5 ft light fittings switched without a contactor, well then maybe I can understand the failures, but a single 5 watt LED lamp, REALLY.
It is a pity lumex doesnt still make a switch, I was at a house yesterday, 40 years old and all the old plugs and switches are those old yellowish colour ones and they all still work.
I need to remove my kitchen light switch ( the most used switch in my house) and see what make it is. I got it as a sample many years ago, it still works. The switch is flush with the cover.
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