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Thread: Type A and AC earth leakage

  1. #1
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    Type A and AC earth leakage

    This is has become a topic of discussion, earth leakage types and which to install.

    Taking a look at the various types sold here in SA, it seems many people are not aware that there are different types of earth leakage units.

    I also read many posts regarding "nuisance" tripping and wonder if the person has taken the type of earth leakage into account, or considered the equipment installed on site, appliances, etc.

    I copied this from the CBI website, it is interesting to note that CBI earth leakage units are in fact Type A generally sold at the wholesaler.


    • Residential and commercial applications requiring high sensitivity earth leakage protection from electrical shock and fire hazards
    • Earth Leakage protection (IEC / EN 60947-2)
    • Telecom / Datacom equipment
    • Lighting control
    • UPS equipment
    • Alternative energy equipment
    • Mobile power generation equipment
    • Railway signalling equipment
    • Industrial equipment

  2. #2
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    ELCB and RCD not the same device

  3. #3
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    Earth leakage unit with ground wire
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	8507

  4. #4
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    I understand the difference between an earth leakage unit which is used an isolator and has no over load protection and an earth leakage with overload protection.

    When referring to the type A and type AC, it is with refence to the type of equipment it protects.

    The reason I am bought up this topic, it could explain why some people complain about certain earth leakage units "nuisance" tripping for no reason.

    If a type AC is install it might not trip when connected to electronic devices, however if for example you are using a type A earth leakage unit, the electronic devices could be tripping the units due to a fault or incorrect wiring.

  6. Thanks given for this post:

    Dylboy (02-Apr-22)

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isetech View Post
    I understand the difference between an earth leakage unit which is used an isolator and has no over load protection and an earth leakage with overload protection.

    When referring to the type A and type AC, it is with refence to the type of equipment it protects.

    The reason I am bought up this topic, it could explain why some people complain about certain earth leakage units "nuisance" tripping for no reason.

    If a type AC is install it might not trip when connected to electronic devices, however if for example you are using a type A earth leakage unit, the electronic devices could be tripping the units due to a fault or incorrect wiring.
    I get you no problem i do understand your post and your intentions just thought i put some earth leakage history in my post the older earth leakages was monitoring live conducter to earth where the new technology rcd checks the balance between live and neutral much safer that the old type earth leakage. To me i always believed that nuisance tripping is actually a fault condition. It is just easy if you experience nuisance tripping to remove circuits from the rcd. Rather investigate nuisance tripping than changing to delayed rcd types. To me all circuits should have rcd protection remember the reason for installing a rcd is all about safety to people and animals. Poor db design is sometimes the reason for nuisance tripping. Do split neutral and install 2 or 3 rcd's in db boards if necessary. When using RCBO's like UK there is no way around nuisance tripping. The regs stipulate that certain circuits in South Africa may be excluded from rcd protection it doesn't mean it is the safest option.

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  9. #8
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    I have started installing 2 and even 3 earth leakages in the main DB and always separate any outside circuits, outbuilding, pool pumps etc.

    After doing some research into earth leakage types, it has made me realise that we need to keep up with technology. Recent DB replacements have gone from single row to 3 rows, and all switch points now have neutral wires.

    It is becoming a common sight to see inverters installed on site. The DB's now include the bottom row for essential, middle for non essential and the top row for electronics for example relays for switching security lights controlled by the alarm system and ASC units for pump, light, geyser and other.

    If you plan to buy an expensive estate property, do your homework and make sure you check the wiring methods, check that there are additional wires at the switch points. These expensive estates are being wired with twin plastered directly into the plaster. The pipe down the wall still wins, even if you push twin down the pipe, at least you can add neutrals or additional switch wires.

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