Lets say you end up in a situation where you have issued a COC and along comes Joe Soap from Sparkless sparkies incorporated, he tells the customer that the COC issued is not worth the paper it is written on. How would you as a small contractor, who is registered with the DOL find out if the code violations mentioned in the audit are valid.
Using the one mentioned on this platform as an example ,as it seems to be a common problem, earthing a light fitting/fan mounted higher than 2.5 m, we might all agree on this platform that if there is an earth terminal it should be earthed, but how do you get written confirmation from the DOL ?
Someone might say join the ECB or ECA, unfortunately the information would be same as the information shared on this platform, just someone's opinion.
To improve this industry there has to be a means for "all" registered electrical contractors to source valid factual information with regards to what is suppose to be a legal document (certificate of compliance), not just shared opinions.
As an electrical contractor I am sure you have heard other electrical contractors talk about the "grey" areas in the industry. How do we iron out this grey area ?
Open dialog directly with the people who control the system (DOL) would be a good start.
Maybe an email address for the technical adviser at the DOL, rather than a contact number because you would require the response in writing.
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