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Thread: A little glimpse of the future.

  1. #1
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    A little glimpse of the future.

    I think JP has nailed it with this one.

    That's what I think.

    What do you think ?

  2. #2
    Bronze Member
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    Yep spot on

  3. #3
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Another little glimpse.

    Today I decided to service the car.
    Nothing special.
    1999 2Litre Astra Estate 8 Valve. ( It's mine .. paid for ) 360K on clock and still going strong.

    While servicing, I noticed a slight oil leak from the tappet cover gasket.

    Went to 4 different spares suppliers. Nobody can help. System offline.
    Yep, without computers one cannot even get a simple tappet cover gasket.

    Glad I'm on the wrong side of 60 and on my way out.
    I am fortunate to have spent the most productive years of my life when I did.
    The future don't look too good.

  4. #4
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    It gets worse when you have all your data and OS in the cloud.
    Internet down and no work
    Forget to pay a month and you are locked out of your OS and data.

    This monthly installment is similar to a leaking tap, always draining your tank.
    It sounds great, you only pay X amount per month, but the day you pissed off with the service provider for what ever reason, you can't move because you are tied in to them indefinitely.
    And to continue using the service, you have to continuously accept the T & C's which they keep on changing to suite the organization.
    You have no control of what they can do with your data in the cloud.
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  5. #5
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Another little glimpse.

    CBDC. Central Bank Digital Currency.

    While everyone over the last 2 years have had one thing on their minds, a lot of work has been taking place
    behind the scenes to make CBDC a reality.

    Pilot projects have been silently launched by a number of banks in different countries.

    Sounds really cool.

    In future, you will not be paid in money, but in a digital credit into your account.
    Lekker, you won't have to walk around carrying any cash. ( No more paying car guards, yay )

    Your smart money will be clever as well. It will be programmable.

    From one of the articles ..... Programmable money is designed with in-built rules that constrain the user. These rules could mean that money expires after a fixed date or its use is restricted to a certain set of goods. This would affect digital currency acceptance and has obvious legal implications.

    Don't think you can buy anything with your money. That's a no no. And don't think your money will last indefinately ... It expires after a certain time.

    Limits are placed on items that you will be able to purchase. Unfortunately no luxuries allowed. That's only for the elite's.

    Want to braai this coming weekend. No go. You have exceeded your ration of one chop per fortnight and your transaction will be rejected.

    Yep. The future, she don't look too good.

    Read all about it here.

    Enjoy your cash while you can.

  6. #6
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    CBDC is starting in South Africa.

    Make a plan with your available cash, guys.

  7. #7
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    This is no surprise for those who read the Bible.
    The Book of Revelation foretold of a similar global economic system taking place today.

    Allow me to quote loosely from Britt Gillett, a student of world events and future studies.

    The replacement of government currencies with CBDCs will give unlimited power to governments. CBDCs will permanently record every financial transaction, and will track where you go and what you do. It will track the websites you visit, friends you interact with, and the charities you contribute to. While most of this information is already available via tracking of credit and debit cards, mobile phones, and social media profiles, a state-sponsored digital currency will provide unfettered access to this information in one centralized location. It will create a closed, government-controlled economic system where everyone is dependent on CBDCs to participate in society.

    This is the ultimate power grab (we've seen these power grabs all over the world during the pandemic - comply or be fined, lose your job etc). If you criticize the government, or do anything deemed “undesirable,” your access to CBDC will be blocked, and you won’t be able to buy or sell anything.

    The Bible says a time will come when a global dictator will require everyone on earth to receive a mark on their right hand or their forehead (Revelation 13:16). Without this mark, people will be unable to buy or sell anything (Revelation 13:17). How will this work? The exact details aren’t clear. But the worldwide rush to create central bank digital currencies provides us with a glimpse as to how such a system might work.

    The Bible says the Antichrist will rule a global government (Revelation 13:7). To control who can buy and who can sell, he’ll need a system capable of tracking every transaction on earth. He’ll need a way to monopolize all financial transactions and a way to kick people out of the system if they don’t do his bidding. CBDCs create such a system. All that’s required to bring about this “Great Reset” is a global economic crisis, and one is coming. Hungry people will be more than willing to adopt such a system if it means the difference between eating and not eating.
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  8. #8
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Another little glimpse into the future.

    This time not negative, but something positive that can only become a reality.

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