Good day members I am a sole proprietor, working from from, doing autobody repairs. Two years ago a guy gave me a car, registered in his mom's name, I came to learn afterwards. A day after having the car and assessing the damages/quote I asked him to collect the car as he wasnt forthcoming. All this communication was via WhatsApp. Telling him to please collect his car by a certain date and failing to do so, storage charges of R200p/day would apply. He ignored my request. A year ago I sent a registered letter of demand to his mom, the registered owner informing her of the storage fees. That also was ignored. Please note 8months after giving me the car he came with parts I refused to accept as he didn't have receipts for the parts and that he already owed me R50k in storage fees . My question is can I as a non registered person charge storage fees. If so how do I go about it should I wanna claim the car for cost.
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