2 certificate of compliances on my desk at the moment and waiting for a 3rd (really hoping I have better news) both didnt even pass the document check ... we havent even got to site yet ... its been months of back and forth trying to get the inspectors to issue a "valid" COC.

One is not registered with the ECA and the other is a branded ECA COC and test report.

The ECA is busy with the investigation for the branded COC ... I have been waiting for this COC so that I can start my work on the site ... this is delaying the project for weeks ... something I noticed on the COC ... the date on the COC .. the same as the date of registration with the DOL ... maybe that was the hold up.

The other COC which is also a outright fail with regards to the document ... is also still pending a valid COC.

Both sites are holding up my projects ... because I cannot start working on site until the COC's are valid ... once the documents are filled out correctly ... we then move onto site and start by doing random checks to verify the site details are the same as the document.

SO why am I getting so pissed off ... because my customers have lost money due to incorrect wiring ... down time due to shoddy workmanship ... and I have quotes with order numbers ready to go ... but cant start until the COC is valid.

Let this be a warning to anyone with a private prepaid meter on a site where the owner has had it installed ... it is going to be interesting to see the energy consumption trend now that it was identified that the socket outlets were linked to other parts of the building.

My would strongly advice that you have your COC checked to verify if it is in fact filled out correctly and if not ... best you get the site checked ... chances are if the inspector cant fill out a COC the test results could also be dodgy.

What a waste of time and energy.