We even got through Covid

I love a challenge ... I can thank that bank manager for declining my application to purchase a 1400 Nissan bakkie and telling me I wouldnt last 5 years.

The big question is how much longer can I keep going ... body is not strong like it use to be ... working 18 hour days is not as easy as it was 10 years ago ... I know what I should be doing ... passing down the tool box to a youngster and taking on a management roll ... but I cant even stand long enough and watch a person do something without getting too frustrated and taking over.

Thinking back to when I started -

A 286 computer and dot matrix printers were big.

Collecting cheques in the evening after work, then in the que to deposit at the bank the next day and even worse until the bank cleared cheques the same day ... you would need to wait 14 days for clearance

Using a pager to keep in contact, no cellphones.

The price of food and petrol wasnt even regarded as an overhead it was so cheap ... now your water and lights, fuel and food bill is higher than your bond ...each not combined

Bread and milk was less than R10 now it is over R50 per day ... around 500 % increase the cost of living is certainly tipping the scale ... do you earn 500 % more than 30 years ago.

When the insurance broker was talking about 1 million rand investment for your future ... you cant even buy a retirement property for 1 million rand.