I cant see how each organisation is creating their own numbers ... it is suppose to be a legal document ... I could then just use the same number for all the COC's we issue.

Imagine going to court and the judge says Mr sparkie with reference to your COC BXXXXXX we find you been a naughty boy ... then I turn around and say but thats not my number someone might have copied it.

I am assuming every COC sold to inspectors ... has some form of record of who purchased that range of BXXXXXX numbers ... the pile of 4 page COC's I purchased many years ago must have some record of me purchasing them.

If they are not well then this industry has a serious problem.

The fact that this is being discussed on this forum indicates how big a problem it has become.

The way it should work ... I have another unhappy customer ... simple ... I log onto the DOL COC register (as a licensed registered electrical contractor)... search the property address and bingo all copies of COC's issued for that property from the first one every issued ... including any new COC's issued since the original if the property was sold and any supplementary COC's issued for additions and alterations.

I know we live in a 3 rd world country ... but we have the technology and the ability to setup a system like this.