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Thread: An old installation requires a quick COC

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    An old installation requires a quick COC

    I got a call to just do a quick test report and COC ... I am told it is it still original and been advised that only registered electricians have worked on it ... fitted a few new sockets and ceiling fans

    Everything should be fine right ... quick test and we should be in and out in lets say 3 hours and the test report should have a few items like maybe bad earth connections due to a bit of rust maybe.

    Lets start: I am not going to list the code violations.

    Visual inspection:

    DB blanks missing

    DB labels missing

    Switch painted in the on position

    shutter missing on the socket outlets.

    open wiring at the downlights

    exposed wiring with no junction boxes

    no bonding on the geyser

    missing covers

    joints in a Tee and cover missing

    cables not secured.

    wires strapped to the ho water pipe

    2 core wire used to connect a metal fitting.

    1 plug circuit for the entire house and extension and granny flat

    30 amp breaker feeding a 4 mm cable which has a 2.5 mm cable for a new plug

    no earth wire between the metal box and PVC socket outlet

    Junction box plastered in to the wall with a twin speaker wire extending out to a light fitting.

    just to mention a few.

    loop impedance test 14.50 ohms

    insulation resistance test 0.17 Mohms

    earth leakage test ... more than 30 ma not tripping.

    Earth continuity test 999 ohm

    no earth wire connected to any of the metal light fittings or fans.

    earth wires have been installed in the extension ... however not one was connected to anything.

    I inform the customer we will be on site for about 3- 5 days to if we dont find any other hidden issue once we start moving furniture out the way ... thats where the fight started.

    The customer cannot understand how the electrical installation has worked fine for 25 years ... why suddenly now do all these repairs need to be done.

    Is the inspector trying to rip off the customer.

    How do you explain this to an 80 year old person ... that you not trying to rip them off ?

    This is why I dont do COC's for a living.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  2. #2
    Full Member
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    I myself am considering not doing COC's on existing houses anymore. Only my own work.
    This is a prime example of why....

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  3. #3
    Silver Member
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    I think I've done one in the last 3 years or so, a Townhouse for a good customer. I've turned down at least one a week over that period.

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    To make a mistake is human, to learn from that mistake is knowledge and knowledge is strength.

  4. #4
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    I only work for cash paying customers.
    Such a thing does not exist in the estate agent, conveyanser or insurance industries so that cuts them out.

    Basically, the only coc's I issue these days is for the work I do.

    Peace out .. Derek.

  5. #5
    Diamond Member
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    Had 3 calls this week for COC investigations ... 2 the same company who is willing to go back and fix anything ... my question is why not just do it right the first time ? a numbers game or not enough in the budget to complete the test and repairs ... if the new owner doesnt complain then its a win ... by the time you plan to move that inspector is long gone ... with a business fail rate at something like 70 % within the first 5 years ... chances are you wont be selling in 5 years.

    The other is complicated.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  6. #6
    Gold Member
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    I am away and a couple of dops and Christmas mince pies in but with Coc's and my ussue is when it was done it was considered safe and the way in which it is done, now the rules change some 30 years later and now that practice is condemned. For example open wiring.... back then it is how it was done and now frownwd apon but that is new law...

    So older buildings for me are bacislly chapter 5 and if generally safe then it's a pass from me.

    I mean every single house. I mean every one new and old there is something that can "fail a coc". Interpretation and then ohsa act of satisfy himself/herself plays a roll.

    The house i am in now at Sedgefield has speaker wire powerint a fluro outside tube light... those small one but still and it is new ish this place... there is a socket in the bathroom, in zone 2 and 230 Volt... I mean how did that pass. But I digress and the end of the day it is the wiremans interpretation and risk factor that comes in play too.

    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk

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