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Thread: South African Omicron

  1. #21
    Diamond Member
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    When the Titanic was about to sink some took action and tried to herd people to the lifeboats and get the lifeboats off the ship. MANY OF THEM DIED TRYING TO SAVE AS MANY AS POSSIBLE...
    Many people just stood around complaining about having to go down dark stairwells whilst skirting people going in the opposite direction and they also complained about having to step over dead bodies....MANY SURVIVED....

    I tip my hat to the 1st group!

    There is a fundamental lesson in all of this: When the $h!t hits the it does in wars / holocausts / pandemics etc a number of people will just step aside and take no active part. They will complain throughout and when the battle is over they will declare that they were right all along irrespective of the outcome.

    I am always intrigued by the "But what about them" argument.... It is interesting how people try to negate their own responsibilities using this flawed argument.
    We have a choice in life: We can step up and try to get others to the lifeboats or we can just stand around complaining....

    The way I see it:

    I am the guy that will run into the burning house to rescue the kid because that is my nature...whilst many will stand around complaining about the quality of their selfies - that is their nature.

    This reminds me of the army - there are always people who do nothing but complain no matter what is happening. They are most likely to survive (or get shot in the back)...not because the fought a good battle but because they stuck their head in the sand.

    The bottom line to the entire debate comes down to this question: (Star Trek)
    Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few? :
    The Covid vaccine debate shows that a minority have no regard for the needs of the many by stepping aside and blaming the many for whatever the outcome. (Although they are they themselves are part of The Many)

  2. #22
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GCE View Post

    I will continue listening to the virologists that obtain degrees from recognized learning institutions vs the virologists that obtained their degrees from the University of Facebook.
    Believe it or not, I also listen to virologists with degrees from recognized learning institutions, however, I go one step further.

    I only listen to those who have practical experience as well.

    I only listen to those who have themselves treated thousands of rona patients successfully
    with virtually no hospitalizations necessary and no mortalities.

    They are doctors like Ellapen Rapiti from Cape Town, Shankara Chetty from Port Edward, Peter Mcculough and Vladimir Zelenko from accross the waters.

    If anyone deserves medals for lightening the burden on hospitals, it's doctors like the one's mentioned above.

    These doctors also all have another thing in common. Even with their huge successes, they have been removed from youtube and facebook. You see, their treatment protocols do not include vaccines, so they are not needed. They all agree that a pandemic cannot be vaccinated away.

    Another misconception trying to be peddled here is that unvaxxed people are a small minority. That's just a plain lie. Less than 40% of SA's population has received at least one vooma shot. Fully vaxxed you looking at 35%. Who is the minority now ?

    It really doesn't help listening to some academic professor, with all the titles, sitting in an office somewhere, not treating one patient, wondering when his/her next Pfizer paycheck is gonna be in the mail.

    Oh, and when your toilet's blocked, here's a bit of free advice, get a plumber and forget about those oke's in the monestary. They no good at unblocking toilets.

    Peace out .. Derek

    Just thought I'd add this to prove my point. Actually less then 30% vaxxed. Grand total of 26,6% so far.
    Last edited by Derlyn; 27-Dec-21 at 05:18 PM.

  3. #23
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    The Covid vaccine debate shows that a minority have no regard for the needs of the many by stepping aside and blaming the many for whatever the outcome. (Although they are they themselves are part of The Many)
    Stop peddling lies. A quick search will show you that only 26,6% of the population has been fully vaxxed. Clearly the vaxxed are a minority.

    Peace out .. Derek

  4. #24
    Diamond Member
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    Shame man...

    So much smug ranting and raving and abuse and fringe nonsense yet you haven't been able to convince anybody of your point of view.

    Derailed thread after thread after thread....flushed down the same smug sewer....NOT A SINGLE person convinced to change their mind and back your view....NOT ONE...NADA...

    Shame man...

  5. #25
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Lol. Only about 73% of SA's population backs my point of view.

    Quite impressive, I'd say. 😁😁😁


  6. #26
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    LoL....who are you trying to convince...

    Strange argument...given that 80% of the population didn't pass matric, don't have a job, demand handouts and always vote for the same useless political party.

    So you are saying that you side with the majority in this country - LoL.... now that is really funny!!!

  7. #27
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    An old trick. You will have to try better.
    You cannot beat me on facts so now you start with the insults as usual.

    Just admit you either made a mistake or were you intentionally lying to try and push your agenda ? It's always advisable to first make sure of the facts before blurting them out here in the open and making a fool of yourself.

    Anyway it's 8 PM and I have more important things to do than chat to a flip flopper.


  8. #28
    Diamond Member
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    LoL - The anti-vaxxer is in full swing tonight...

    Have another bottle of Brandy and when you wake up at lunch time come back and waffle on and on and on.....

    You have failed to convince a SINGLE person of your views NOT ONE... NADA...
    You have failed to convince a SINGLE person of your views NOT ONE... NADA...
    You have failed to convince a SINGLE person of your views NOT ONE... NADA...
    You have failed to convince a SINGLE person of your views NOT ONE... NADA...

    After all the noise and waffle and insults....just a lot of noise...

    You have failed to convince a SINGLE person of your views NOT ONE... NADA...
    You have failed to convince a SINGLE person of your views NOT ONE... NADA...
    You have failed to convince a SINGLE person of your views NOT ONE... NADA...
    You have failed to convince a SINGLE person of your views NOT ONE... NADA...

  9. #29
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    73% 👍👍👍and not a liar or a fool.

  10. #30
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Remember. I,m backed by 73%. Dont need no more. 😁😁😁😁

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