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Thread: South African Omicron

  1. #11
    Diamond Member
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    Ian is double vaccinated.

    I am not going around this tired old circle again. It is really starting to draq!!!!!!

  2. #12
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    Ian is double vaccinated.

    I am not going around this tired old circle again. It is really starting to draq!!!!!!
    Have a lekker weekend , Adrian
    Enjoy the quality time with your wife and daughters.
    It's really great that you can, as a family, spend Christmas together.
    I'm happy for you.

    Peace out ... Derek.

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  4. #13
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    Yes I have had the double jab ... my wife is doing much better (also double jabbed) ... my daughter is still battling along (no jab) but is looking much better today ... I have contacted the doctor on numerous occassions this week ... his response is still the same ... no jab for her ... he indicated that she would show mild symptoms and as expected she has been coughing ... which is my biggest concern due to her chronic illness.

    I had no signs of anything until thursday ... I started experiencing hectic pain in my lower back ... started drinking litres of water and pissing like a race horse all day and night ... felt better on Friday morning however I woke up with a sore throat ... This morning at around 2 am I woke up with a hectic headache ... finally had a pill at around 8 am ( I hate taking any form of medical) ... now I am doing some low level flying

    This is normally the busiest time of year for me ... I am getting lots of calls for work ... people understand that I have chosen not to leave my house ... for their safety.

    I have had a lot of time to think these past few days ... and been watching a lot of youtube videos about the virus and side effects etc ... at the end of the day it is your choice ... do what you feel is the right thing to do ... because as in my daughters case I am responsible for her safety ... I am not a doctor or scientist ... so I have to rely on a doctor I have trusted with both my daughter lives in the past ... on both occasions he made the right choice ... he understands her chronic illnesses and every other medical issue she has experienced since birth ... if he tells me it is time for her to go for the jab ... she will go the jab ... for now ... no jab.

    It is a bit scary watching your family when they are sick ... I have sat in ICU and watched both my daughters get to the point that the doctors have informed me to prepare myself for what might happen ... those days seem like a life time.

    For now ... we are here and that is all that matters ... taking one day at a time.

    Respect each other decisions ... do what you feel is right.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

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    tec0 (20-Dec-21)

  6. #14
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    Aye well, you are forced to have a break. Use the time to rest. There is nothing better than taking some time off to refresh the mind. Just forget about work for a week.

    Then spend some time to strategize for the coming year and you are well on your way.

    This year has certainly made me rethink my life - could be a blessing if one uses the time to reevaluate/formulate one's master plan.

  7. #15
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    Last day of lockdown today ... we used the checkers 60 min delivery ordered lunch ... got stuck into the room revamp ... been a busy day ... just wish it was the first day ... lots to do.

    Everyone is feeling better.

    Site is clear for work tomorrow ... I will have the entire building to myself ... its the best time of year to work ... save plenty money ... keeps me out the shopping centres ... its peaceful.

    Just beware people house invasion are up 33 % over this period ... make sure you keep on your toes and dont let your guard down ... 2.30 am this morning there was gunshots in the area 2 one after another ... then 123 one after each other ... there was a party till early hours of this morning ... it could have been a drunk showing off.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  8. #16
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Well, well, well.

    As from Dec 24th 2021, according to the NICD ( document attached ) no more quarantining for both vaxxed and unvaxxed.

    No more testing needed unless you have symptoms.

    This can only mean 2 things.

    1) Someone has come to their senses and realized that asymptomatic transmission of any respiratory disease only exists in Tony Fauci's imagination and was one of the biggest lies told by him for scaremongering purposes and nothing else.

    2) The PCR test does not work and should be chucked on the junkheap where it belongs.

    Slowly, slowly the truth is officially coming out.

    Enjoy the holidays

    Peace out .. Derek.

  9. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post
    Well, well, well.

    As from Dec 24th 2021, according to the NICD ( document attached ) no more quarantining for both vaxxed and unvaxxed.

    No more testing needed unless you have symptoms.

    This can only mean 2 things.

    1) Someone has come to their senses and realized that asymptomatic transmission of any respiratory disease only exists in Tony Fauci's imagination and was one of the biggest lies told by him for scaremongering purposes and nothing else.

    2) The PCR test does not work and should be chucked on the junkheap where it belongs.

    Slowly, slowly the truth is officially coming out.

    Enjoy the holidays

    Peace out .. Derek.
    The assumptions being made in the above statement are typical anti-vax, conspiracy theorist, twisting of the science behind the reasons.
    The anti vax section of the population continue making the most noise as the the balance have realized that common sense and following the science cannot be bought and shared.

    The point behind the previous quarantine and isolation was to prevent the pressure, on hospitals and especially ICU wards, has changed with this particular variant as shown by the cases vs hospital admissions.
    The asymptomatic cases have exceeded the symptomatic cases due to vaccine and immunity from previous or combination of the 2 , for now.

    To continue shutting down departments and workplaces when the infectious stage has been past before finding out the person has covid makes no sense and it is up to each individual to play safe and protect others . This narrative has now been recognized and allowed for relaxation of previous isolation rules.

    The continued PCR tests which tie up doctors and lab technicians that could be rather spent diagnosing other problems like diabetes , hiv , TB and cancer makes sense when there are quick tests that can produce the same results with quicker turn around times available.
    These tests have now been found to be reasonable accurate and so the change in testing ,which as mentioned previously on this forum is being used extensively in the UK, makes sense.

    The transmission of covid via aerosol droplets is still a proven fact which is why the wearing of masks in closed spaces and ventilation are still punted to be the main non medical intervention in the arsenal against covid.

    Anybody that still believes that this disease does not exist and will not be serious when contracting it obviously lives with the ostrich effect

    Nobody knows what effect it is going to have on them until they get it and hopefully the viral load is low and recovery quick. Those that have been exposed to high viral loads will tell you about the longer lasting effects of tiredness , memory loss , concentration loss and tingle fingers .

    We went through the process with an employee over the long weekend with a test and a friend ( Lucas ) the previous week. Both had slight symptoms, throat , tiredness and cough for a day or 2
    Both recovered without hospitalization and both glad that they had been double jabbed
    Used the 5 days prior to feeling symptoms and the 2 days prior being infectious which seemed to work effectively in identifying possible cases and then just used the 5 days being careful when around others .

    We all need to be careful and follow the necessary steps so life can continue

    As the time passes and the scientist learn more so the rules will change and we can be thankful that at least our government is listening to the science finally and not a political whim but with that said I would not want to be in any of there shoes making decisions.
    Hindsight is a wonderful thing .

    I will continue listening to the virologists that obtain degrees from recognized learning institutions vs the virologists that obtained their degrees from the University of Facebook.

  10. #18
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GCE View Post
    The assumptions being made in the above statement are typical anti-vax, conspiracy theorist, twisting of the science behind the reasons.
    The anti vax section of the population continue making the most noise as the the balance have realized that common sense and following the science cannot be bought and shared.

    I will continue listening to the virologists that obtain degrees from recognized learning institutions vs the virologists that obtained their degrees from the University of Facebook.
    One needs to be careful not to confuse education and intelligence.

    Any number of degrees does not prevent one from being an idiot or behaving like one.

    Cheers and peace out .. Derek.

  11. #19
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    A ZEN parable:
    The toilet was overflowing.
    No matter how many times the student tried to unclog the toilet it continued to stubbornly overflow all over the monastery.
    The student went to the master and said "Master, the toilet will now not continues to overflow all over the monastery"
    The master said "the mind of the toilet is blocked - only the toilet can free its own mind"

  12. #20
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    After all this time ... we finally had the virus in the house ... I must admit I was a little concerned for my daughter who was in close contact with my wife and I ... the doctor did keep in contact to get updates on her health during this period ... as he indicated during the first call ... it would be highly unlikely that she would show severe symptoms or get really sick ... but just out of concern we monitored her daily.

    I isolated for the 10 days purely as a precaution and concern for my customers safety ... it seems a waste 10 days and a loss of revenue for nothing.

    As I have mentioned before ... I am started to wonder if I actually needed to be doubled jabbed ... I am wondering why tests were not carried out prior to me being jabbed and the jab not given to someone else who needed it.

    As one person pointed out to me ... his work is trying to force him to get the jab .. he is totally against it and none of his family have had the jab ... they are telling him that it because of underlying issue that he should have the jab ... his response "show me the underlying issues you refer to and then I might consider it" ... he is fit and healthy.

    The only 2 people I know of who died recently ... both were super fit and healthy and both died of a heart attack a couple of weeks after the jab ... was it the jab ... we will never know.

    The reality is that friends and family have already died from this virus ... however it is going to be interesting to see feedback in years to come.

    Here is something else to consider ... my wife and daughter are super careful ... and do everything by the book ... wear masks all the time while out in public ... social distance ... wash hands all the time ... she even has a bottle in the car which she uses every time she gets in and out of the vehicle ... even works from home since the lockdown started ... who gets sick and tested positive ... not the person who doesnt give rats ass for the mask ... wash my hands when they get dirty ... and work in close contact to a lot of people everyday all day ... filling out books and delivery notes and invoices and learning on counters ... touching products being handed from one person to the next ...etc etc etc.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

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