This is something which is going to need to be addressed soon.
The days of walking into a wholesaler and picking up the cheapest type A RCD is just not going to cut it anymore ... it could also explain why there are so many complaints about random tripping ... due to incorrect selection of the RCD required for the application.
Once you have done a little research into RCD types ... then you going to find there is a device which might suit the application better or create even more problems ... an AFDD
As I am researching alternative supplies ... looking at how people are installing (RCD) or commonly known as a earth leakage device in P.1 - P.4 ... throw in a bonded neutral/earth and relays for bonding neutral and earth ... it makes you wonder if the correct type of RCD has been selected ?
Anyone here have a lot of experience using the different types of RCD's and AFDD's ?
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