I would like to hear what your thoughts are on this subject ... sub contracting work out to other small businesses.
I had on average about 5 small companies which would help with those little jobs which required attention ... be it for a regular customer or a new customer I just couldn't get to.
What I have found ... I spent more time on the phone trying to guide them through the task ... they wouldn't pitch when they said they would ... they try steal my customers by leaving their business card ... this didn't bother me ... it wouldnt take long and the customer would be back.
It was more the time wasted guiding them while I am trying to do my own work ... just became a waste of my time.
I am getting a lot of new business calls ... which I just cant take on ... the very next question ... "can you recommend someone" the answer "no".
Do I employ more staff and grow and become a full time nanny again ... to spend my life cleaning up after everyone?
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