I have years of data collected using a Fluke 435.
So here is the thing ... it like a brain surgeon piece of equipment collection data with a GP using it to record load profiles ... a bit of a waste.
What is it I am looking for ... a student Engineer who is already at level who can interpret the data ...but doesnt have the means to collect the data ... a swop ... I share the data logged on the piece of equipment and you go analyse it and give me feedback ... that way we both score.
The data collected in the past will be for information purposes only ... who knows maybe we can create revenue from data collected in the future.
There is a huge demand for load profiles for solar applications and I have 2 power quality analysers.
A the moment I only offer the service to my "important customers" ... the factories have everything we need to carry out power audits ... 500 amp + supplies ... machines with the latest high tech electronics etc. you name it we have the application to investigate ... big compressors with high loads ... DC drives which dont seem to be lasting ... you name it.
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