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Thread: Plugs having something in common.

  1. #1
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Plugs having something in common.

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    What do the above plugs have in common ?
    There are many more, but I am limited to 6 photo's per thread.

    Peace out .. Derek

  2. #2
    Diamond Member
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    The covers are all plastic and attach with clips...and of course they are not the new SA standard (I think.....)

  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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    My kind of plugs ... non have the silly za socket
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  4. #4
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    All have a switch for each point and also it appears that all bar the one have shutters? Interested to know more though
    Also all have plastic packaging so perhaps green peace a bit pissed off for single use plastic.

    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylboy View Post
    All have a switch for each point and also it appears that all bar the one have shutters? Interested to know more though
    Also all have plastic packaging so perhaps green peace a bit pissed off for single use plastic.

    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk

    Installing any one of them since January 2018 has been illegal. ( See SANS 10142-1 Reg )

    The question is .... Why, after almost 4 years of the reg taking effect, are they still being displayed and offered for sale by all the electrical
    wholesalers if it is not legal to use them ?

    Peace out ... Derek.

  6. #6
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    Agreed, but also for a new install or even changing of an existing one you only need 1 of the new things, I believe at least in a room, so only need one fancy new one and then the rest can be the regular.

    So on the shelf should be the new ones side by side with the regular. So take one new funny one for the room and then the remainder as the good old regular.

    Thats how I understand it

    Also side note where can I find the 164-0 164-2 sockets etc, back of Sans 10142-1 has the plug and sockets but some funny things and no regular 3 pin style... or I am being daft and need to look harder hahaha.

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  7. #7
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylboy View Post
    Agreed, but also for a new install or even changing of an existing one you only need 1 of the new things, I believe at least in a room, so only need one fancy new one and then the rest can be the regular.

    So on the shelf should be the new ones side by side with the regular. So take one new funny one for the room and then the remainder as the good old regular.

    Thats how I understand it

    Also side note where can I find the 164-0 164-2 sockets etc, back of Sans 10142-1 has the plug and sockets but some funny things and no regular 3 pin style... or I am being daft and need to look harder hahaha.

    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
    The reg reads as follows and I have highlighted some words to make it easier to understand. Effective from January 2018 all socket outlet points for new electrical installations shall include at least one socket outlet complying with the dimensions of 164-2. Socket outlet points may also include socket outlets complying with the dimentions of SANS 164-1.

    Remember, if you replace a burn't socket outlet with a new one, that point is considered a new installation and the reg therefore

    There is no need to stock plugs with only 164-1 sockets. They, according to the regs, should not be used.

    Peace out ... Derek

    PS. Had I worded this reg, it would have read " effective from January 2018, every socket outlet point for new installations shall include a socket outlet with the dimensions of SANS 164-2".
    Last edited by Derlyn; 24-Sep-21 at 03:36 PM.

  8. #8
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    I understand now... apologies i had assumed the whole socket being that 164-whatever.

    Thank you for bringing this up as well. As now I understand, often these regs are down to how the person understands it and interprets it. That can cause a huge amount of issues.

    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylboy View Post
    I understand now... apologies i had assumed the whole socket being that 164-whatever.

    Thank you for bringing this up as well. As now I understand, often these regs are down to how the person understands it and interprets it. That can cause a huge amount of issues.

    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
    My brother. It also took me a long time to decipher that regulation. Sometimes, simpler wording is more effective.

    Now, my original question remains .... why are they still selling them ?

    Peace out ... Derek.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post
    My brother. It also took me a long time to decipher that regulation. Sometimes, simpler wording is more effective.

    Now, my original question remains .... why are they still selling them ?

    Peace out ... Derek.
    Hahah agreed, simpler wording would go a long way ! With saying that I would like to attend these like CPD courses and webinars etc that the ECA do with the regs and keep on learning or rather keep on trying to understand the regs haha.

    But yes now you mention it why are they still selling those sockets? Its like the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing...

    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk

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