Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post
Morning brother

No incoming earth from Municipality should not be a problem.
Here in East London, there are whole suburbs where no Municipal earth is supplied ( 2 wire overhead supply )
We hit in an earth spike, do an earth loop impedance test and away you go.

Peace out .. Derek
It was TN-S Earthing system - just another poor joint in the road. I could see the feeder cabinet (open) and test was good there. I get it a lot in Joburg.

Poor standard or work by the guys on the municipality side. Especially in Rose bank area. Last 3 properties I went to (including some large commercial instals) no incoming earth. Get them out - not connected at pole, bad joint - usual....

Anyway I just don't trust earth spikes.... Its like the drum disk of the brake world - old way of doing it.

If have a R10 million house with TT earthing it feels like putting drum disks on a Ferrari. Bit.... rubbish.