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Thread: Biodynamic and regenerative agricultural principles

  1. #11
    Diamond Member
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    Fair enough. On a serious note to tie in with what you are saying.

    I once read a study about the so-called "Wussification" of American males. "Wussification" meaning young men becoming more like sissies. Another thing I read is that the American military had to lower their general physical standards due to this phenomena.

    It is said that the reason for this is the high amounts of estrogen in the drinking water.

  2. #12
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    I took the time to read the article instead of brushing it aside as conspiricy or sci fi.

    Farmer Angus seems to know what he is talking about.
    I also like the fact that he is an ex corporate world guy.

    He also mentioned that of the four jobs he has had, farming is the hardest. That is what hit home for me.
    Farming has always been hard. My father in law was a farmer his whole life. I know how he struggled, but it was in his blood.

    And so man comes along and decides to make farming easier with more profits.
    He couldn't care about the long term repercussions. It's all about the Kroon.

    Unfortunately most humans only see that nice plate of food on the table not knowing what's inside.

    Like you mentioned, Mc Donalds. I have never had one. Wouldn't know what it tastes like.
    One can buy a Mc Donalds, put it on the windowsill and eat it 2 weeks later. With all the preservatives it should still be edible.
    Don't know about the nutritional value, but I think you get my drift.

    Anyway, Lynette and I try and eat as healthily as possible.
    Sugar is a big no no for us and I am fortunate to know many farmers in our area where we buy our "wildsvleis" at reasonable prices.

    Doing my small bit to show the feedlots the middle finger.

    Peace out .. Derek
    Last edited by Derlyn; 29-Aug-21 at 03:04 PM.

  3. #13
    Diamond Member
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    There is also a serious issue with the way companies like Monsanto alter crops using GMO. It is said that they make crops sterile for countries like India so that the farmers have no other option but to buy new seeds every year.

    Then there is the right to repair issue - John Deere exploit farmers by making it impossible for farmers (or third parties) to repair farming equipment.

    Farming is really really big money, and just like in the IT world, large corporations force users to comply with their money making schemes.

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