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Thread: A few questions about the COVID mRNA vaccines

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  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    By the way ... 5 years ago I was told that I had to start using statins ... the doctor told me that it is hereditary and that it run in my family ( a load of bullshyte ... more like the biggest money making racket in the world) I took stains for 2 months ... then decided I would change my eating habits and get fit ... so I stopped taking the statins and promised my family that if the blood test results didnt change within 12 months that I would take the pills ... it caused a big problem in our family ... 12 months later I had the same 3 pages of blood tests ... I was cleared and no longer take any medication and was no longer a diabetic risk.

    When I asked the doctor about it running in the family ... he still cant give me and answer.

    By the way my wife was even called in to warn her that I was walking dead ... those test results were so bad ... scared the living daylights out of everyone.

    While on the subject of dangerous shyte ... I was told that at my age I shouldnt be pushing my heart rate past 175 bpm ... When I showed the doctor the 198 bpm during cadence cycling session ... which by the way I completed 2 sessions back to back (its all in the mind)
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  2. #2
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    I have a workshop full of people that we have been having discussions with to assist in making the choice to vaccinate so we can protect each other and ensure that the business stays open with minimal disruption ( continually isolation of staff) so that we can all earn a living.

    In order to answer questions I have had to look for answers and ensure that I used recognized ( by their peers) websites or research sites that were around long before Covid came along.
    There are plenty of websites with information that have sprung up recently that I tend to read with a pinch of salt.

    What has been interesting within our workplace is that we have 2 general workers that have convinced there peers to take the vaccine and that was based on their experience when we were installing supply to oxygen tanks in December in the rural areas , like Butterworth and Libode , where bodies where being constantly carted out to refrigerated containers.

    I also found that mRNA vaccine principles have been under research for the past 10 years but the lack of financial support has kept the pace of advancement throttled.
    Why would big pharma companies want to find a solution when they can keep selling you tablets ?

    An example is one staff member that did not want to vaccinate because of social media and that he felt he lives healthy , eats healthy and covid would not effect him besides mild flu - Contracted Covid and is now counting the days to vaccination. During his Covid period he was seriously man down and lost 4 days of awareness .
    During this time he spent R5K on tablets for himself and his wife - vs R1K that it would have cost for vaccine - Surely the big pharma companies would prefer supplying tablets vs vaccine ?

    mRNA was being researched as a possible cancer cure - Why would big pharma companies want to cut off the supply of Chemo treatment at 70K a month , which could explain the lack of research funding.

    I have a look at the medical aid companies - They have a vast pool of experts and actuaries researching before they support any form of medical treatment - Surely they are not going to support vaccine's if they have a suspicion that in 5 years time a large percentage of recipients will have side effects that are going to cost them a fortune in medical treatments. Besides, they will not be wanting to kill off there client base.It would make no commercial sense .

    If you are worried about the side effects listed for the vaccine , have you had a look at the side effects of a headache tablet ? and I bet almost every one takes them without a 2nd thought.

    I thought the statement below that was put to together by an employer in preparation with meeting his employee's after talking to experts that he has as clients was classic.

    [I]How safe is the vaccines – research (4 billion stats) is telling us there is a .0007% risk of getting blood clots or an allergic reaction when receiving the vaccine. Research and science tells us that it is 70 times riskier to take anti-biotics than the vaccine and we take them all the time for flues and infections etc. Based on the above stats you have more chance to die at the hands of a disabled grasshopper kicking you to death while you are wearing a helmet than dying from the vaccine. [/I]

    The majority of experts in the field of vaccinations agree that they work , the math's with regards to excess deaths and cases in countries that have rolled out successful vaccination programs is self explanatory.
    There will always be a handful of experts in every field that have opposing theories but when the overwhelming majority agree then surely you have to sit up and listen.

    I have pasted 2 opinions that were published last year explaining the reason vaccines for covid came along so quickly and they make sense .

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    adrianh (22-Aug-21)

  4. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    My numbers game is comparing the numbers on the potential negative consequences of not being vaccinated vs the numbers on potential negative consequences arising from the vaccination.

    The simple maths to me is the benefit of improved chances of surviving a Covid 19 infection outweigh the potential for harmful consequences from the vaccine.
    For those who love being analytical down to every detail, by all means call me naïve. But the big picture looks plain as day; I don't see how squabbling about the fine print in the margins changes the big picture. There is a huge difference between the risk of dealing with Covid without having being vaccinated vs the risks associated with being vaccinated.

    Reality proved even more on point as I got pretty sick after the first shot of Pfizer.
    I started a scratchy throat within 15 minutes of the shot and my nose started streaming - like a heavy head cold. Both persisted strongly for 36 hours and I felt pretty lousy. There was a sudden and very noticeable improvement after 36 hours, but I only really felt back on my perch after two weeks.
    Yes, that first shot did not go well. But nowhere near as badly as it probably would had if I had got infected with Covid.
    I should probably also mention that pretty much everyone else I know who have had these vaccinations had hardly any issues other than the sore arm which seems pretty standard.

    Needless to say, when I went for my second shot last Monday I was rather apprehensive as to what the consequences would be. However, I still had the view that whatever happened, it should surely be less serious than if I got Covid itself.

    The great news is apart from the sore arm at the injection site, not a single side effect. I felt 100%.
    Although I didn't go for a run that first evening just to play safe, I certainly felt like I could have. And I have been running the rest of the week with no problems.

    Yes, the first shot hammered me harder than it did anyone else I have spoken to who has had the shot.
    But the second shot was a massively improved result.
    And isn't improving outcomes the whole point?

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    adrianh (22-Aug-21)

  6. #4
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    I guess only time will tell if taking these vaccines are like….
    1) Snorting crack cocaine for short term benefits but with long term drawbacks.
    2) Regular vaccines with short and long term benefits.

    This recently published article suggests ADE is a concern.
    Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A potential risk for mass vaccination?

    They are essentially saying that new vaccines will be needed to minimize ADE from the Delta variant. But new variants are inevitable so this suggests people will need to take new vaccines dependent on how fast new variants emerge in order to minimize vaccine-associated ADE.

  7. #5
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Good morning

    The following quote by Ian Watson is applicable to just about anything and in my view deserves some thought.

    " If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, incentivised, coersed, bullied, socially shamed, guilt tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized .......
    If all of the above is considered necessary to gain your compliance, you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted, is not in your best interest "

    Enjoy your day ... Derek

  8. #6
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by We_Know View Post
    I am getting the jab soon but I have a few questions that I would like some clarity on.
    1) The issue about anti-body dependent enhancement
    2) Will this vaccine drive the evolution of new variants?
    3) How does the mRNA vaccine spread throughout the body?

    1) The issue about anti-body dependent enhancement
    This is a potential long term issue whereby new variants can induce anti-body dependent enhancement and it can be fatal. This was actually observed in previous mRNA vaccines and in some cases this can only be seen 18-24 months after the initial vaccination. There is a bit of uncertainty about this issue for me.

    2) Will this vaccine drive the evolution of new variants?
    I think the answer is a simple yes. The reason being is that the vaccine is non-sterilizing. This means that vaccinated people can and do get infected (the vaccine reduces the severity) and therefore vaccinated people remain a reservoir for the virus. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people thus provide selective pressure for the virus to produce new variants. However, vaccinated people will drive the evolution of variants that are less susceptible to antibodies targeting the spike protein. It will be interesting to see the spread of the lambda variant as it seems to be resistant to the vaccines. Now if this is the case then it seems to me that we will need booster shots for each resistant variant.

    3) How does the mRNA vaccine spread throughout the body?
    I understand that the vaccine is injected into muscles cells (usually the arm) and that the vaccine enters muscles cells to start producing the spike protein. This elicits an immune response which in turn helps provide immunity against the spike protein. Part of the process is the expression of the spike protein on the surface of the cells where the mRNA was injected. Now the spike protein itself can cause local blood clots to form and this is fine at the site of injection (e.g. sore arm). My question is does the vaccine spread to other parts of the body to cause spike protein production there? Has this been quantified? Is this dependent on how the vaccine is injected (e.g. how many arterioles and venules are nicked during the process?)? I especially want to know how much of the vaccine gets to the pulmonary capillaries to induce spike protein production there. This reason for this is that blood clot formation in these capillaries can have long term negative effects that will only be picked up in 2 to 3 years. The most important one is increased pulmonary resistance (blood flow resistance) which can cause right ventricular hypertrophy and ultimately heart failure. This is not something that can be picked easily (usually chest x-rays, but who goes for them regularly?)

    If this is an issue then regular boosters can increase the chances of this happening.

    I hope these are all just extremely minor and unlikely issues but I would still like to have a little more clarity on these issues.
    @ We-Know

    The following doctor might be of interest to you. Dr Vladimir Zelenco.

    He developed the famous Zelenko Protocol.
    It was he who treated Donald Trump.

    He has been nominated for a Nobel Prize.

    He sat down and chatted with Jeremy Nell a couple of days ago.
    I think you will find what he said, quite interesting.

    Peace out ... Derek

  9. #7
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    Every now and again when I awake early and have spare time on my hands I feel the urge to wade in and drop some opposing views to the garbage that gets spewed out by the anti vax crowd.

    " Empty vessels make the most noise " is fairly appropriate with anti vax narratives and they battle to produce evidence reviewed by the majority.

    Even I could get nominated for a Nobel peace price , will just need to buy the professor that pops into my local pub a couple of extra pints and get his signature

    If you then have a look to see if this expert mention by Derlyn above has any medical value it is soon debunked by various people
    To date there have been no clinical trials completed and accepted by peer review
    Similar to the ivermectin story , no applications to any medical board's have been applied for to begin medical trials on supposedly wonder drugs " discovered" 18 months ago

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    adrianh (31-Aug-21)

  11. #8
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GCE View Post
    Every now and again when I awake early and have spare time on my hands I feel the urge to wade in and drop some opposing views to the garbage that gets spewed out by the anti vax crowd.

    " Empty vessels make the most noise " is fairly appropriate with anti vax narratives and they battle to produce evidence reviewed by the majority.

    Even I could get nominated for a Nobel peace price , will just need to buy the professor that pops into my local pub a couple of extra pints and get his signature

    If you then have a look to see if this expert mention by Derlyn above has any medical value it is soon debunked by various people
    To date there have been no clinical trials completed and accepted by peer review
    Similar to the ivermectin story , no applications to any medical board's have been applied for to begin medical trials on supposedly wonder drugs " discovered" 18 months ago
    I agree

    It was silly of me to mention the Nobel prize thing.
    You are right, it means nothing, I mean even FW De Klerk got one.

    Just a couple of points before I leave the Covid topic for the last time.

    I am not an anti vaxxer. I have had all the required vaccines up to now, except experimental one's.
    I do, however, have the right to choose whether I want to subject myself to an experimental vaccine or not.
    The experiment being carried out presently, I believe, is scheduled to end sometime late in 2023.

    Much like a judge or jury will hear testimony from both the prosecutor and the accused before being able to make an informed decision, so do I.
    I read extensively and concentrate specifically on the writings of those who have been de platformed. The rest one can find in the main stream media and on Youtube.

    Just the fact that certain professors and doctors have been de platformed, should make anyone with an enquiring mind suspicious.
    Why do everything possible to shut them up ? What do they know that the powers that be don't want you or I to know ?

    One cannot unfortunately rely only on You tube, Facebook and twitter for a balanced view. I mean, You tube removes videos that suggest that Vit C is good for you.
    One has to go elsewhere as well, without brushing everything off as conspiricy theories.

    Because of a number of so called conspiracy theorists, the fear mongering campaign launched by the MSM and governments all over the world has had no effect on me or my wife. For this I am gratefull. Life carries on as usual for us. Fortunately, being self employed, there is no pressure from anyone for me to conform to any draconian regulations.

    On a daily basis, I see the fear that has been instilled in people, so much so that they cannot think rationally. They took it, hook, line and sinker. I feel for them.

    Peace out ... Derek

  12. #9
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    Actually Sean Conley was the White House Physician and Vladimir Zelenco has never been near the Walter Reed National Military Medical Centre.

  13. #10
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    This covid discussion is like watching a tool review on youtube ... where the person unboxes the tool and gives his expert opinion on the tool ... with very little experience using the tool.

    As I have mentioned before ... from first hand experience (not as a scientist) I have been exposed to the virus on many occasions from people in the building self isolating while I work in other parts of the building ... where as many as 16 people have tested positive ... friends and family who have died (from something in the past 18 months) ... filling out registers at various locations as I travel and collect/deliver or work ... delivering and collecting goods ... i have got to the point where I can no longer expose my hands to so much liquid that is placed at entrances (without any medical documentation to verify the contents) some days I get home my hands look like those of an 90 year old ... wash my hands frequently with hand wash I carry in my van or I use baby wipes (also use them for cleaning tools ... they work wonders)

    I am not a mask fan ... only wear it where I am forced to or if a customer wears a mask when I enter the property.

    Recently I had the double jab ... the only reason I chose to have the jab was because media indicates that it "will set you free" and a few other reasons ... I must be one of the few who are immune to the virus considering the exposure to the virus right from the start (as an essential service) ... there have been comments that because my hands are cleaned frequently due to hands on working.

    My opinion on the matter ... do what you think is right ... if you have done the your research and feel you are confident with your decision ... dont be bullied into doing something just because everyone else thinks its the right thing to do ... you will suffer the consequence of your action ... right or wrong.

    I ask myself why did I need to get jabbed if I am immune to the virus ... why are there no tests for people who are immune and why are they just trying to force everyone to get the jab ?
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

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    Desert Man (11-Oct-21)

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