When you see what is going on around the world ... it gets you thinking.

A world wide pandemic/virus ... could have originated in which country ?

Missiles capable of landing in the USA in 30 minutes ?

Increasing military assets on the border ... deployment of thousands of soldiers ... tunnels ... bunkers and high tech systems ?

CCTV facial recognition and monitoring of every single human in which country ?

Home automation ... alarm systems and CCTV being controlled and monitored by servers in which country?

Cyber attacks on companies like microsoft ... affecting everyone ... as pointed out ... even the universities where leaders and military staff are being trained.

Cyber attacks on a port.

Loans to countries who cannot afford the repayments to build massive fish factories with high equipment which cannot be operated by locals ... "specialists have to be bought in to manage the systems"

Beautiful highways being built in Africa for easy access.

Massive storage facilities ... I see them going up by the day ... as local manufacturing closes down.

The list is actually so long ..........

Think about the recent uprising in SA ... people still think the women and children looting were the concern ... talk about a soft target ... the police and military cant even control the locals.

You cant screw a country when the economy is strong and the people unite ... look at most African countries and look who own most of Africa.

Bullshyte or not ... just something to distract you from the virus which seems to be overwhelming everyones thoughts at the moment ... the trojen horse comes to mind ... nothing like catching everyone with their pants around their ankles